Reviews for Cell Alternate Ending
letthememoriesgo chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
I actually liked this ending a lot better than leaving it open like King did. I would of so much rather know what King wanted to happen then just make it up myself. You did an amazing job and I thank you for it!
RusNydia chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
Now that was such a fluffy, sweet ending. God, I really need to stop with this sarcasm. No really, this was completely depressing and reminded me of a SK book I just finished (Thinner). I absolutely love it which probably doesn't say much. Well... that's all
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
awful...not only did yo uget many of the details wrong...clay would never have killed johnny..idiot or no.
CuntyMcCunterson chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
I like your alternate ending but I'm not quite sure if clay killed himself or Johnny or both?
Lyra chapter 1 . 3/24/2011

traducí tu historia para leerla, acabo de terminar de leer este libro y me pareció genial.

gracias por escribir sobre él, y no pienses que nadie lo leyó.

LauranTheBiscotti chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
reminds me of the ending of The Mist,when the main character kills his son only seconds before the rescue arrives...GOOD JOB! i loved the ending :)
ThunderClouds7 chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
did he just kill himself? it was just like in the book, stephen king never tells you what happened, he only hinted at it.
SalemTheMuffin chapter 1 . 2/8/2010
I love it, it was very haunting. You put the desolution of Clay's positon perfectly.
xXMethereaperXx chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
This was a great alternate ending! I've been considering tossing my hat into the Cell genre, but now i'm not so sure i'd be able to keep up with this!
WeepingCadaver chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
Okay, this was a really good alternate ending, but I (me probably being the only one) liked the original ending better. This one gives people closure, because it shows that Jordan was wrong and that Clay couldn't help Johnny, but in the book, it makes you wonder, it makes you wonder whether it would or wouldn't work, it get's stuck in your mind.

This one is written well, it fits even better, but it just doesn't seem right. It's seems more than likely that Clay would do something like that if it didn't work, but it just doesn't seem RIGHT...but that's just my opinion, and like I said before, I'm probably the only one.

Anyway, very well written, it is really good, but I, personally just like the book's ending better "

Please don't think of this as a Flame, if I wanted to Flame...then there'd be a lot worse stuff written here...that's not a threat, just a statement
llllllllllll chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
I have to say i liked your story as an alternative yes,but I can't work out why some people didn't like how the book ended orginally, as i thought it was perfect.
Mattymoron chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
Very, very nice! I like this better than King's ending! It certainly offers much more closure than the original.

I wish I could offer some sort of constructive criticism, but I really don't see any problems with you're writing here. Good work!
xchic chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
i love it. i've read this book 7 times, and i actually thoughtt this fic would have happy ending. anyways, it was quite stephen king-y, and its pretty nice.
BuffyTheSlayr chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
Good bit of writing but I wish to believe King wanted a better ending for Clayton. A hope that something could have been done to help the semi phone crazy's. But on the other hand, nice writing...very sharp.
has.anyone.seen.vlad chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
wow heavy ending.

But it was what i thought would happen in the end anyways so i wasn't exaxtly surpprised when you ended your story that way.

you should try writing more stories because your really good.
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