Reviews for Truth in Lies
Dream-Bliss chapter 4 . 7/7/2009
i've just quickly read through these because i'm trying to get throuhg a few fics at a time before i fall asleep but its very good at least i know ashes to ashes

i especially like the last chapter, fluff is the best type of story!
Eleantris chapter 4 . 6/2/2009
Wow! Great story! really loved it! Well done! D
Quinzeela chapter 4 . 5/5/2009
Beautifully written :)
Jen-Genie chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
That was beautifully written... i loved it! Shame it's the end though :(

Can't wait for your next one! More Gene/Alex please, you can really write for them.

Jen-Genie ~x~
Gem6 chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
Aw heartbreaking but heart warming at the same time!

Brought the tears to my eyes...loved it!

Gem x
LordXwee chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
Oh wow. This was a great bit of fluff. Galex fluff is the best fluff there is. I love how you used the title in it. Fit in real nice. And her dreaming about him being there then in the end he really is Awesome. :D

theHuntgoeson chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
This has been going so well that I can't help feeling disappointed that there's no more, but it's a beautiful way to end it. I love the image of Molly letting Alex go to be happy with the man she loves, and the way you develop the lovers' feelings for one another is very true to the way their relationship is evolving in Series 2.
NeverThink chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
WOWzers! wowowowowowow! I don't care that its a load of fluff because fluff is amazing... and omg omg omg it was just pretty much... AMAZING!

Anyway, *calm*, the whole thing with Molly letting her mum go almost, was very sweet, and i like how you wrote Gene's feelings towards everything, very true to the series... god i sound like a script critic, sorry!

Oh and just so you know, you have to email me your idea for another fic just, you know, so i can read it first lols

I'm your beta, remember? lmao


aka sMel

aka Mel

aka Lissa

aka Liss

aka Liz

aka Chris

aka Chrisya

aka Div
les goddam chapter 4 . 5/3/2009
I think you've captured them both really well and i loved the part about her searching for the warmth at the begginning and then at the end she doesnt have to because she has gene i thought it was very symbolic :D Good Job Jode

Charlie OY
Accountnotinuse123456789 chapter 4 . 5/2/2009
Loved that last chapter, really sweet. Hope you keep writing.
Jen-Genie chapter 3 . 4/29/2009
No Bols this isn't the end of it! Carry on! Gene needs Alex, don't end it yet!

It's awesome, just spell 'loveable' right... lovable, and i know that's stupidly picky tee-hee

TheCircus xoxox
Sesa28 chapter 3 . 4/28/2009
Ohh, I love your story! I love how you introduced Gene's child (is loved the right word? I'm not too sure!) it adds another element that makes Gene who he is! Gene kissing Alex and then leaving her was perfect in him telling her that he wants more then one night! Can't wait to read more if your writing? :-P
Lousia-Pop chapter 3 . 4/28/2009
Hey just to say I hope you carry on with this, i'm really enjoying it and want to see how it progresses!

It's a great story!

Lou x
LordXwee chapter 3 . 4/26/2009
:O Simply fab. Wow. Great chapter. Please do not let this be the end. There is so many directions this can go. Season 1 has now ended for me and I need more A2A.

The kiss was so intense and wonderful. Did Chris drop the bottle since he saw it? If only that really happened. Plus they dreamt of each other.
les goddam chapter 3 . 4/25/2009
VERY! impressed Jode ;) you write them both with the very passion that they hold for one another in the series. BIG FAN of bollyKJM212K :)

Keep it up cuz, Ly


- Xx
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