Reviews for Fighters of a New Day
Puidwen chapter 8 . 2/6/2010
This fic doesn’t manage to merge all the animes in it smoothly, but other then that it’s quite good and interesting
Essex chapter 8 . 6/8/2009
Interesting story. I remember reading some of your work a few years ago and am glad to see that you're posting again.
shikome kido mi chapter 8 . 5/28/2009
This is a really fun story. One would think it hard to keep all the new characters straight but you do a good job at developing them and keeping the canon characters true to themselves despite this being AU. I'm particularly fond of the Soi Fon scenes, as they tend to be hilarious and I hope that, like Naruto, Jiraiya proves capable of living up to his arrogant claims that he can drag missing legends back to their homes. It'd be funny to see him try to beat up Yoruichi, if nothing else. The stuff with the Saotome sisters is also excellent and if the remaining children are less developed, less than excellent can still be good.
Bob the Almighty chapter 8 . 5/24/2009
I like this fic. The original characters are actually likable *and* believable, and the blending of the three series has been done quite well. I was actually surprised at how naturally the various characters fit into the Naruto-verse setting. I look forward to seeing more of this.
Aleh chapter 2 . 5/23/2009
"Hashairama" was the given name of the First Hokage. While his family name wasn't given, he was the head of the Senju clan. This isn't necessarily his family name (clan house, after all), but it's quite likely that it was.
ashez2ashes chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
I'm really sorry Thryth, I couldn't get into this at all. All of the OCs were confusing and hard to keep apart. The first few paragraphs were really convoluted and were hard to get through. They also contained a lot of telling instead of showing. It also sort of reads like the beginning of the Bible, 'this person beget this person, etc etc" The beginning isn't a very good hook into the story and will probably scare a lot of readers off. I think you went overboard with the number of crossovers...

The settings are hard to "see" as well. Its hard to picture any of the settings with so little description and the rapid fire scene changes make this even worse. The scenes need to linger a little big longer, so the reader can get at least a general idea of the multiple worlds and the differences within them. It feels like you got in a rush to "get to the fun parts" and left the reader in the dust behind you.
Konsaki chapter 7 . 5/9/2009
Though lacking in a lot of detail, your story is very original and fun to read. The fact that you use a mix of known characters plus their children for OC use makes an interesting base of knowing where half the characters come from and not knowing what the other half will do.

Really, I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you.
deitarionSSokolow chapter 7 . 5/9/2009
Nice to see another decent update, but given how much experience you have and the success you've had with things like Kitsune Lina, I'd have thought you'd be too experienced to make the second mistake detailed in entry one of Ozzallos's Rules of Fanfiction Failure. (Quoted below)

1) Your summary fails. [...irrelevant bit omitted...] Likewise, "Continuing from part five, review my ass please" is similarly annoying. Hey genius, I didn't read part one. What's that about again? Convince me I should take the time to read ch1 before even considering part five. Be creative, give them a little bite of what to expect. [...irrelevant bit omitted...]
Thrythlind chapter 6 . 4/19/2009
I like the family/inter-relations subplots most:

Miyako and friends, Ranma's sisters, etc.

Ranma's sisters has a much more defined state because I RPed through it for four years a while back, Ryoko and Joseibi being characters from a next-gen RP (Ryoko being my character)

I'm still working on Miyako's and Jiraiya's quirks.

The high adventure/demon/manipulative villain stuff is mostly just backdrop and fluff. Something to give an excuse for fight scenes later on down the road, and perhaps force some character development later.
deitarionSSokolow chapter 6 . 4/19/2009
I should probably start reviewing these since you've got so few reviews. The start of the story could have been done in a more captivating fashion and less confusing fashion, but it also could have been much worse. The story as a whole is quite interesting, but I much prefer the "Ranma's sisters" subplot to the "manipulating villain" subplot. (I've got a semi-rant that is in the process of being an article if you'd like an explanation why)

I definitely appreciate the fast update rate. (The only case I can think of where someone updated faster was when nonjon wrote several fics at a (more or less) steady rate of one chapter every two days)
Kinai chapter 5 . 4/14/2009
I like the last part. It isn't a subtle way to say it, is it?

The story grip me and I hope read more soon. Fortunately you are a fast writer.


P.S: I like the way that you treat Akane's character. There isn't a lot of stories where she is any more than Akane's fiancee.
Thrythlind chapter 2 . 4/3/2009
I find that next-gens are always like that, I'm still actually in set-up...when you have new characters set-up takes a long time...
Mizuno Tenshi2 chapter 2 . 4/3/2009
Sorry, this fic is just too confusing so far. Too many original characters and scene switching for just the start. I'll have to try and read through it again later.

I definitely prefer "A New Life" so far...
FlameRodent chapter 1 . 3/21/2009
Awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Thrythlind chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
generally when I refer to Saffron through a phoenix character, I just call him "Lord" or "Saffron" or whatever...I generally only have outsiders make the mistake of calling him a god...
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