Reviews for Silent Hill: The Nameless Parody 4
Psychoburner420 chapter 13 . 8/20/2010
Happy to see this up finally. I was greatly anticipating the next chapter. I think I lol'd at the part where the dogs realized they could not go through doorways. And poor this rate he'll never get laid. And plz, no Henry/Walter yaoi, I think that I will vomit while strangling myself and shooting myself IN THE FACE! Lol at my question's answer, Henry just gets screwed all day, and not in the way that he so badly wants. My next question is for Sir Richard. "Richard I have had a greatly growing suspicion that you may be the one that is known only as 'That Guy', because he is incredibly awesome and badass. So now I must ask this question to confirm my suspicions. Have you ever killed somebody at the DMV? And if you are NOT 'That Guy' do you by any chance know 'That Guy'?"
Psychoburner420 chapter 12 . 8/6/2010
Yay, new chapter! Sorry I didn't drop a review for the last, but now I will drop a review for this one! My fav part here was seeing that Eileen was actually still in the story. Sure she's super dumb, but as multiple characters have said before, she's still hot :P. Hopefully Henry can get some action, either from her or Claire. We all know how incredibly sexually frustrating it must be to live with a sexaholic stripper masochist and her bisexual demon husband, James (need I say more?), a gay talking frog, a super horny robot, and an awesome RPG protagonist who is now LIMP (poor Chrono, but Ayla lol.) And now, I haz a question, and it's for Henry ZOMG! "Dear Henry, did you ever think of telling Eileen that your Wang was a surgical instrument and offer to play Doctor in order to have your way with her? I mean, she's so dumb she would probably fall for it."
Psychoburner420 chapter 10 . 7/26/2010
Read this first thing in the morning before work. The Safety Dance scene was amazing, lol. I got all charged up for the moth fight, but I think the airship taking it out in a ball of flames was still quite funny. And Richard answered my question! I was so happy teehee, and I have thought up another, albeit terribly disgusting, one. I have to know. "Dear Richard, since when you were alive you were an almighty sex god, did you ever know, want to know, or get anywhere near the hideously depraved Dahlia Gillespie?" Keep the good work coming, I'm not comatose yet!
The Famous Fire Lady M chapter 10 . 7/25/2010


the larva worm thing! ohmygod.

the way it talked.

In my head, it sounded like cartman!
Darkcomet chapter 9 . 7/20/2010
Sorry I missed the last chapter, but you are cranking this very quickly, it's awesome! I especially like the weed scene.

Now I have a few questions for everyone. First obviously for Richard. I sent my ninja's to do some dirt digging on you and have discovered something horrific, a sex tape featuring you, Necron, Exdeath, and Salazaar. My question is what the hell brought that on?

Amarant, is it true that you once had a month long orgy in Tibet?

Henry, Here is a hammer, can you solve the meaning of life?

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Psychoburner420 chapter 9 . 7/19/2010
I am simply amazed. You've released like 3 chapters in the past month. It's incredible. This must continue, because if it doesn't I'm probably going to become comatose from TNP Withdrawal. And the Stoned Henry/James/Eddie/Horseradish(I mean Rorshach or however you spell it) scene was incredible. I haven't done drugs for a week (not counting reading this) and it gave me my fix just reading it. Keep em coming. And I have a question for Ricardo Brainfart and it is as follows "Did you cheat in the poker game that caused the naming of the Tyrannosaurus Sex, are you just a truly amazing poker player, or did you distract them all with Maria's breasts?"
Randell-Flagg 89 chapter 7 . 7/5/2010
Glad to see you got some inspiration EternalFlare, or he who makes dragoons dance like they are on acid and who uses "real English" grammar... and Wordperfect. God I hate that thing. ANYWAY. The question is for the Author actually. yeah, suck it Richard. You not the favorite anymore anyway. So Author, who is your least favorite character? Now no one says they play favorites, but come on, who doesn't at least a most hated? Who is your least favorite TNP4 character and why. P.S. seems a lot of characters have been phased out.

Your SC Korean and Chief Game helper guy,

Darkcomet chapter 7 . 7/4/2010
I can't believe it I just read the last chapter less than 24 hours ago! It is a miracle! I enjoyed this chapter as well...but poor Walter.

Richard I have a question. Why is Amarant so much cooler than you when it comes to fighting?
Darkcomet chapter 6 . 7/2/2010
Awesome chapter! I especially like the but with Necron. This is a story that just gets funnier with every chapter!

Question for Richard. Have you ever sat down and had coffee with Godot the Prosecutor from Phoenix Wright? If so how did you make it out alive?
Darkcomet chapter 5 . 5/21/2010
Great chapter! I especially enjoyed how enthused Rorschach got when he found out there was a case. I can't wait until the next update.

So Richard here is a question worthy of your awesomeness. If you were to go on a quest to retrieve the super awesome holy relic of badassness and the only thing that got into your way upon claiming your reward was a giant evil army of Hannah Montana's with laser eyes, what you would do to defeat this threat?
Psychoburner420 chapter 5 . 5/21/2010
I think I shit myself when I saw this. I then proceeded to fist pump and smack a few babies with delight. Can't wait for another chapter. Keep up the good werk. WoRk? No I was right, Werk.
don't insert name here chapter 3 . 2/14/2010
Mah dad also made us watch those movies when we were little.

NO! WHY PUPPY, WHY? DX *dis may take a while*
Psychoburner420 chapter 4 . 10/27/2009
I must say, the comedian is definitely...interesting. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next chapter.
Darkcomet chapter 4 . 10/25/2009
Awesome chapter! Garland is an imposing threat...if you just minus the time he is fought in FF 1 he is pretty threatening. I can't wait until the next chapter.

To Richard: If you were to be shot out of a plane while holding two pistols, a shot gun, a rocket launcher, a knife, and a wash cloth 1.) How many people would you try to kill and 2.) What would you eat for lunch?
The Famous Fire Lady M chapter 4 . 10/25/2009

The comedian is so lulz worthy in this.

And Eileen FTw.
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