Reviews for The Devil You Know
GlassMazeGazer chapter 33 . 8/6
The odd little late-breaking plot point where Sookie thought she felt someone watching her while she was on break outside of Fangtasia wasn’t resolved. Maybe that should have just been left out of the story.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 32 . 8/6
I think the blood thing is backwards in this chapter. A vampire feels & can track a human who has swallowed some of that vampire’s blood. I would assume it would work the same way with vampires so for Eric to be able to feel & track Bill, Bill should have consumed some of Eric’s Blood. Eric drinking Bill’s blood, as it was written here, would mean that Bill would be able to feel & track Eric — a backwards result.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 27 . 8/5
Well, I don’t see that he’s making any kind of a sincere effort in his promise to even “try” to be faithful, much less actually BE faithful. Pretty pathetic for an Eric. No real effort or self-discipline & it’s just plain dishonest. Erics generally all have their faults, but being dishonest with their Sookies isn’t usually one of them.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 23 . 8/5
This Eric didn’t do a very good or thorough job of explaining the blood bond. Surprisingly, Sookie didn’t balk when he told her, after the fact, that it was a commitment akin to marriage. Since she’s been talking about her independence I expected that to get a rise out of her.

The big kicker, I think, is going to be when she finds out that he’s not going to find her “playing the field” to be acceptable regardless of his fidelity. Unless this story is very, very AU, it would reflect very poorly on a Eric for ‘his bonded mate’ to be dating & sleeping around with other men.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 10 . 8/5
I would think that putting Sookie in the same room as Lorena for any purpose is too much of a risk. She’s a nutcase & could easily decide to drain sweet smelling Sookie on a whim before Eric could prevent it then take Bill & run.

I don’t see why Sookie needs a ‘reason’ to break things off with Bill. Sure, it makes a big splash & gives something to report to QSA, but I’d choose not giving a reason & therefore not needing to expose Sookie to the hazards of Bill &/or Lorena anymore. Sookie could leave a message or write a note that she’s breaking things off & not to contact her anymore. Seems like that, coupled with bonding to Eric would accomplish the same thing with less risk.
GlassMazeGazer chapter 9 . 8/5
Eric is a “cosy vampire.” Fun thought.
svmtbfan chapter 33 . 6/9
Really enjoyed this story. You are quite a talented storyteller although in all honesty I really missed a bit of fairy magic, Niall and Claudine, But that’s just me and in no way detracts from your accomplishment. Hop you keep
TeamEricNSookie chapter 33 . 5/4/2019
Great story. I love the portrayal of your characters. Eric is a thousand year old Viking but have him acting like a pussy and Sookie is not annoying! Congratulations that is an accomplishment all by itself! I would have liked to see more plan though.
Guest chapter 33 . 12/21/2018
Why the f..k would you write a stupid story about Eric and Sookie like this?...did you really hate them so much? This was so not them at all...and your writing sucks big time...don't know if you will ever read this and don't give a sh.t...just venting at this stupid story...hope you stopped writing.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/15/2017
I don't feel Eric worthy of Sookie she have who really wants her just her she going another girl Eric ducked now. And Holly as in Sookie friend from Work Holly? Hope not . Well , I guess some people just settle if is the Eric Sookie ends up with.
AZSeaOtter chapter 33 . 5/3/2017
Really liked your story! I wonder if Sookie will ever want to get into Stanford. ;) BTW, loved your analogy. Thank you so much for sharing!
AZSeaOtter chapter 32 . 5/3/2017
Haha, I love that she knew of the database. I think Bill's punishment is very appropriate.
AZSeaOtter chapter 31 . 5/3/2017
Holy hell, Sophie Anne knows or at least she surmises. On another note, I am so excited that Eric and Sookie have expressed and verbally said their feelings for each other.
AZSeaOtter chapter 30 . 5/3/2017
I think the other waitresses will become jealous, not that Eric or Sookie should really care. ;)
AZSeaOtter chapter 29 . 5/2/2017
Pam's projections were hysterical, I could definitely get used to that. :D
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