Reviews for The Wolf
kit chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
This fic was great! At first, I had trouble adjusting and differentiating from the past and the present but eventually I caught the pattern. This was well written and I feel like you really captured the essence of their characters, not only kakashi and iruka but the others who played minor roles, like gai. I'm happy to have come across this fic. For me, AU's stories are preferred to one's that follow the canon. I'm not particularly fond of the route the naruto arch took and ended with so it's great to read so many alternative stories.
I especially liked the dinner scene with naruto and the comments made by iruka and kakashi when they weren't part of the main conversation with naruto. My favorite line from kakashi was after iruka said : he is not all that bad" and Kakashi muttered if he "should be offended" haha
HaPPypi3 chapter 1 . 12/14/2014
At first the beginning is kinda confusing, but as the story progress, it begins to make sense. And I have to say, this is definitely one of my favorite kakairu fic, it's just so bitter but sweet at the same time. I'm still confuse about 1 thing, why did Kakashi agreed to break up with Iruka in the first place? Was thee relationship taboo or something?
Ps love the ending! Naruto' protectiveness over Iruka is gold! And their argument XD!
Jukebox chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
That was awesome :) I got a little confused at the back and forth from past to present, because it was sometimes difficult to tell what time period they were in, but otherwise it was very enjoyable and well written. Thank you for sharing!
Devil Goddess mimi chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
It's so bitter-sweet, but dont mind me im not complaining. Loved It!
Lady Wolffmund chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
Nice story n.n
mndstjohn chapter 1 . 10/22/2013
Looks good!
valre chapter 1 . 8/6/2013
*sigh* This was so beautiful, I loved it!
HandInTheCookieJar chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
hahaha I remember when Kishimoto had us thinking Kakashi died! I was sooo sad because he was one of my favs :/. This story is all kinds of beautiful btw. I was reaaaaaally confused at first, and then I realized it was AU, so I reread it and all was gooooood
Luna Calamity chapter 1 . 2/13/2012
OMFG! You managed to make me cry! I read the part where Kakashi had to leave Iruka and was shocked into sadness. What really made me cry was where Kakashi was outside of his home and heard him crying, and hated himself so badly. Lol I really started to silently cry. That relationship is so sad but cute!

I love that they ended together without any problems XD Except an extra super protective Naruto lol :D That ought to be a cute crack fic. Kakairu on a date and Naruto attempting to spy the whole time XD XD

Anyway, super cure, super emotional, and perfect :) I love this story and it is soooo gonna be in my faves :D

Thanks for the entertainment!
Elliot.S.Roy chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Elliot: Its sad and sweet. Though I must say Iruka forgave Kakashi way too soon.
Anju-chan2 chapter 1 . 4/11/2011
kakairu is the BEST :D
azure sea chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
hmm, now i really liked your story from the beginning until near the end. it was very emotional and i think that kakashi had it easy to get on iruka's good side again. even though iruka got hurt and suffered years, he immediately forgave him. i think he should have struggled more against kakashi, there wasn't much actual conflict between them. i would have liked to hear what they had to say, to hear what iruka had to say after all these years, and especially what kakashi had to say. it was clear that he wants iruka back, but i don't think it could have been that easy. after all, iruka is only human, too. so he mus have some resentment. although it showed brilliantly durin the hospital and in the mission office, the end was a bit too easy.

and telling naruto was a bit sudden and a bit out of place right after getting together again.

otherweise it was a very good story and i loved the way the memories and the present time flowed together and i had to guess where it begins and where it ends. you only know in the middle of the story about how their relationship was. :)

oh, and i really like the long one-shot. i love reading long chapters, because it gives me the feeling contentment.

azure sea
cool-girl027 chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
love your fic! it's a bit confusing though because of the multiple flashbacks mixed in the story. you could have changed the font or italicized the flashbacks to minimize confusion...still, i liked it..pls make more kakairu fics! XD
pokeby chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
I like this story very much, thanks for your hard work.
loussi chapter 1 . 2/3/2010
I loved it and Naruto's reaction was so .
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