Reviews for An Act of Cleansing
BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE chapter 1 . 7/30/2010
Oh my God...I Loved it! I can't believe you only got seven reviews though. NeroAnne was right about the tussie comment she made on her profile...Wow. it sure put a sick smile on my face!
Kat Darklighter chapter 1 . 1/19/2010
I know I'm totally late with this review, but I just happened across this story and had to tell you that I liked it.

Matt/Jeff is totally my OTP, but I usually don't like anything this hardcore. Your writing style kept me reading, though, and I'm glad I did. Excellent job.
BreakingFable chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
Oh geez! Oh wow! This was incredibly good! I loved your twisted little game of doctor. Cool and disturbing, all at once. Keep em coming! :)
NeroAnne chapter 1 . 3/24/2009

I loved this! It was wicked in the best way!

Very talented and very wonderful.
Lexie BeautyKiller chapter 1 . 3/17/2009
barbiedoll chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
It quite bothers me sometimes to see Matt go into big brother over protective mode and takes care of Jeff and the next moment, he fucks his little bro silly! Hey! Don't get me wrong, I love Hardycest and I love this! It's like seeing two sides of Matt Hardy, one, the saint of a brother, and then, the evil punisher out to hurt his brother.
TivaAPLightning chapter 1 . 3/10/2009
this story was absolutely sick and twisted but I found myself loving every second of it I love Matt/Jeff and you made it work
takers dark lover chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
OMFG! WOW if I was not at work I would be running for a cold shower right now.

Matt/Jeff I just love thses two paired. This was an amazing story great writing.