Reviews for Dean and Coyote's Ultimate To Do List
klu chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
Oh, com'on! Dean and Coyote don't need to be hunting down actors and making them 'pay' for crappy work... If they are going to do that, couldn't they instead start w/ all the sniveling people on all those crappy 'reality TV' shows?
Lestat's Violinist chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
LOL! I've actually had a moment like that ending bit right there.

Kendall (My baby sis): There was this boy in my class that got in trouble and he was pouting-

Me: Girls pout, boys brood.

Kendall: Oh. Okay. Well, there was this boy sin my class that got in trouble and he was BROODING because they called his mom.
Heartless BytchhakaHelenBach1 chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
The whole part about Jensen was funny. "Pass!" *snork*

Yeah, we'd all love some of that shower scene stuff.

In the shower. Something about wet, freckled skin-"

"Those full lips of his parted slightly—"

"Eyes closed as he turns his face up into the shower spray. Beads of water on those long eyelashes of his-"

*flails wildly* O Damn, Coyote iz an evil cruel Trickster to trick us faithful readers of his stories. This is almost soft core porn.

The biggest flaw of the whole story is that FF site doesn't allow graphics to accompany stories. The doctored pics would've been some nice eye candy. Oh well, I can always dream.

Thanks for the funny story. I liked it.

Nyx Wings chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
Oh, the real-person and show references just cracked me up! XD And you start off with that Hulu commercial, lol, I found it quite amusing. Oh Jared. I bet Jensen had more fun with his horror movie. Great point about Samllville, why isn't it canceled yet?

As for New Ruby, I'm all for them going after her! I'd love to see that! No way Dean would let it slide, after how she's been messing with Sam. Well not *his* Sam, but he's not gonna let that stop him. :P

Ha, I love that Coyote owes the fangirls. M. Great point about JDM. awesome kickass dad vs. molesting ghost? rly? And peaking of Morgan lookalikes...there's Javier Bardem, who's much less hot, and I think Robert Downey Jr as well. It's the scruff.

Haha, Coyote dating Kripke's muse, that's perfect! Perfect name for her too.
sylia91 chapter 1 . 3/6/2009
OMG! I loved all the name dropping. So where are these doctored JA photos, huh?
Nana56 chapter 1 . 3/6/2009
I just have one question: what are the blank spaces inside quotes for? Hm

This was cute. :) I probably missed the point of it. What are they going to do with the people on the list? :D

Sorry. Senior moment.

Fun fic.
Thru Terry's Eyes chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
jensen Ackles.


PADavis chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
And I'm not afraid to use him you know. He's even put on a little weight - means I can send him further now. This reads a bit like Terry Pratchett, and thanks for that. My imitations are top drawer stuff made me spray the keyboard. I loved everyone you picked (and saved) from vengeful god stuff by the way.

Now go write me another chapter of Coyote and Unaware and Black Horse and help Wendy, gosh darn it. If that bunny shows up again I'll fling Bartlett at him.

SciFiNutTX chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
Oh, yeah, thank to 'everybody else' huh? I see how ya are!

Glad to see you got some of that out of your system, though! LOL

Man, I love Dean & Coyote!