Reviews for Morning
Bluedreamer chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
that's way too short !
ohcyfan chapter 1 . 3/4/2009
Short and very very sweet. You pack a lot of punch into a few words. Very nicely done, totally in character.
menz815 chapter 1 . 2/28/2009
loved it! and I absolutely loved that little moment of theirs in that episode.

I think you captured both of the characters beautifully!

great work!
astrakane chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
thanks for this sweet fic, it totally made me smiles :D I loved it , it's just enough fluffy

Enough to make my fangirl heart happy, without betraying the character ...i hope you will write many more :D ( ps: sorry for my english, i'm french)
uhcoogs chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
Aww..short, sweet and beautifully written. Great job!
nikkitan89 chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
aw... a nice, short and sweet fic that totally brings out their personalities! thank you.