Reviews for Blue Roses
jinchaa chapter 29 . 5/14/2017
I wanna see undertaker get jealous lmaooo or something between claude and lilis... i love this story i can't get enough of it
thetankgirl chapter 29 . 3/10/2017
*sigh* I hope someday you will continue and complete this story. I really like all the characters, and you truly got me interested in the father figure. And I don't care if Lilis ends up with Undertaker of with Sebastian, I love both characters ;)
I will follow and favorite this story, as I hope it will encourage you to continue it. Bravo!
MonochromeJoker29 chapter 29 . 12/26/2016
Please continue this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
Worst french translation ever;(
I Am Code chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
Hey Lilis! I've gotta wish! I wish for more chapters! Love this story and would definitely give my dad a death broach for more ;)
Guest chapter 29 . 1/1/2015
Oh my gosh please have her end up with The Undertaker! I haven't scene a well writen fanfic for Undertaker yet and this is awesome! And plus, wouldn't it suck if this turned out to be another OcXSebastian story with some type of possessiveness thrown in too? Her and Undertaker seem to be meant to be, and there's the fact he's a caring guy and always has her back and... Sigh I would so lover her to get with Undertaker. Please? :D
S-Lioness chapter 29 . 12/24/2014
Alright, I'll admit that I'm not found of demons & dislike them pretty much, I find Sebastian's perfection annoying & I rly didn't want to read the story because of him.
But the story had Undertaker -my fav. Character- but your oc was a turn off for me -cuz she's a demon- I honestly thought the story sucked & i stopped readimg it for a while.
But for some reason I started readimg it again & your OC grew on me I started liking her & stopped thinkin of her as an actual demon -her character doesn't fit one at all- i also lik that she targets the souls of wicked i was happy when oddi-something died she was a b!tch & deserved it can't imagine her having any fans.
I'm rooting for undertaker hope she ends up with him, i think Mr. Perfect Demon Butler is getting too much screen time -3-
Also I'm secretly hoping for some plot twist proving her to not be a demon at all or at least not completly. I know wishful thinking.
Anyways about the last chapter was that woman her mother? Guess not maybe half-sister?
I can't wait for next chapter.
P/S: Sorry if i seemed too blunt but i like to be honest & speak my mind out. Besides I like the story now so It's all better. But there's noway for me to like .
Also sorry for spelling & grammer mistakes I'm using mobile & it's hard to write.
Thanks for reading my comment if you ever will, I know you have many others to read & life can get busy c ya.
Seere Klein chapter 15 . 11/20/2014
Ugh wow I kinda prefer undertaker than sebby any day lol. Him tracing lilis' spine is so sensual I wish they'd just make out hahah
Guest chapter 29 . 4/7/2014
Update please? This is really good. I love how you've made Sebastian and Lilis is one of my favorite OCs ever! Also, this made me love the Undertaker like I never have before :)
GreyRoseOfHope chapter 29 . 3/3/2014
Yaaaaayyyy the harpy is dead!
GreyRoseOfHope chapter 27 . 3/3/2014
. . .Dun dun DAHHHH.

GreyRoseOfHope chapter 25 . 3/3/2014
Nuuuuu. Make it an extra! WRITE OUT HIS DEATH PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!
GreyRoseOfHope chapter 23 . 3/3/2014
. . .Kay, now I wanna kill James. Someone hand me a chainsaw.
GreyRoseOfHope chapter 22 . 3/3/2014
GreyRoseOfHope chapter 20 . 3/3/2014
. . .Grell, James. Congratulations. Grell, you get to marry Sebastian. James, you get to die. EVERYONE WINS.
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