Reviews for Scars That Make Us Stronger
katsumi0003 chapter 1 . 6/15
Father knows best xD
Angle1 chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
Another gem. So glad I read it.
I'm normally not one for one shots as I love to sink deep into the world the writer created and one shots just don't do it. But this one had good length and was very well done. It felt like a 20 chapter story.
And it is interesting to see your brainstorming rather than a fleshed-out, polished piece, but really, it was still very good.
Karin Yakaza chapter 1 . 5/18/2017
Was this ever going to be finished. I need to KNOW!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
Wow..this is a very lovely story..u did a very good job writting it i felt sad(almost crying) while reading about kaoru's struggles..then felt happy that she finally found true happiness by being strong again..i just hope u continue this story..would like to know how will kaoru and kenshin will end up with this new found second chance..looking forward for the update
Rizza Azzir chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
I can't believe it. I sobbed and cried and laughed and giggled. This extinguished my stressed self after a toxic day at work. It made me hopeful, that things will right themselves as time passed by as long as we continue to hope and live strongly. It made me forget all the troubles I currently experience. My issues seem petty now from Kaoru's struggles. Thank you for this story. This oneshot is well-written and organized. You really do have a talent in writing, and you have a gift in molding the characters to fit your plot. I can really imagine them in this, if they lived in an alternate reality, as if this could have been one of their futures. I am glad I gave up 2 hours of my 5-hour sleep per day to read this. It was REALLY WORTH IT.
XiaoJieMeijin chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
I love this story. The story is constructed very well. The fact that there's character development and conflict is surprisingly nice and welcomed, especially with some real life events thrown into the mix. I also appreciate the high school teenage years versus mentality of adulthood.
Quathra chapter 1 . 6/17/2015
Why did you spin such a tale of sadness and regret, I cried...(...again...I just read Cursed) but I still loved it, I would be happy to read some more fluff that could occur between kenshin and kaoru or sano and megumi
Kinsutenekochan chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
I wasnt sure if I liked it but it grew on me. :) i didnt really think Karou would ever do that to herself but then i remembered the manga when kenshin left and it made more sense... Pretty well done, like the ending the best. Good job!
Cliffy H. and Pliki-Chan chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
Loved it. Pure emotion. Made us cry like wusses.
We especially liked that Misao and Aoshi had no traumatizing drama. Yay!
sulou chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
I enjoyed reading this very much. I don't know how I missed it before. :)
NiraKira chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Please make a second chap!
arrandiy chapter 1 . 10/20/2014
I really like this story even though it has a little bit of darkness to it. There is just something about it that keeps it in the back of my mind. Perhaps it's your ability to create that connection between your characters and the audience. This isn't the first story of yours that I have read and put on my favorites, but it is definitely one of the ones I keep coming back to.
Nanyin chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Damn rhis is good
Amberfantasy chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
I have a mixed feeling about the story... It's something I cannot completely explain _ it's as if my heart wanted something more.. I don't know.. I loved the plot of the story and the content! It was heart wrenching and sad but hopeful. The theme was beautiful. Thank you for the story!
malahmente chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
I actually cried (real, hot tears of despondence) during this story and I literally could not put my phone down. Just long enough to log on and review.

Brilliant plot! I really enjoyed it. Also, amazing characterisation. Emotional description was also amazing! Really, really great job :-)
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