Reviews for Republic Schism
Guest chapter 14 . 4/12/2016
Very nice. Love the story. Your descriptions of combat are excellent. Very thorough yet not too much so that you get bogged down by the details. You are able to paint a very vivid and detailed picture at the same time as advancing the story and holding the reader's attention. Very nice. I also find your characterization of Anakin and Ahsoka to be perfect. The way they interact is almost exactly like the show.
bigtomato chapter 14 . 2/24/2012
I am really enjoying this story so far and eagerly look forward to the next chapter!

I like your writing style, and perhaps especially the way you add in sections of 'non-major' characters. I really like those sections with the clones. It fits very well like the Republic Commando game. (best ever!)

I am liking the relationship between Anakin and Ahsoka as well. I'm curious to see what you do with this as time goes on. It seems almost as if Ahsoka is becoming more like Anakin: aggressive combat, doing what needs to be done, using her anger to fight.

I would quite like to see her side with her Master even during and after Order 66. (if she lives that long).
Alberich chapter 12 . 9/19/2011
Great story, well written.
Snowfire11 chapter 14 . 2/9/2011

This story is amazing!

I know it's been a while since you last updated but after reading this genius I just had to review.

Ok I have a question, do you write proffessionaly? Because it sure does sound like it! Your writing is breathtaking, truly!

Your plot is great too! But don't worry about it being canon ALL the time. I personally think thats why fanfiction was created so you could make the topic your own in a way. XD

I am extremely surprised that a story with such quality has so little reviews. This story deserves a few hundred reviews! Don't let the number discourage you though!

Keep those updates coming!

And thanks for posting this story, you did fanfiction and fans a favor for creating such a wonderful piece.

Well, Ciao!
Snowfire11 chapter 14 . 2/9/2011

This story is amazing!

I know it's been a while since you last updated but after reading this genius I just had to review.

Ok I have a question, do you write proffessionaly? Because it sure does sound like it! Your writing is breathtaking, truly!

Your plot is great too! But don't worry about it being canon ALL the time. I personally think thats why fanfiction was created so you could make the topic your own in a way. XD

I am extremely surprised that a story with such quality has so little reviews. This story deserves a few hundred reviews! Don't let the number discourage you though!

Keep those updates coming!

And thanks for posting this story, you did fanfiction and fans a favor for creating such a wonderful piece.

Well, Ciao!
The Singaporian soldier chapter 1 . 10/25/2010
Well! I'm extremely happy to have found a story of this quality on fanfiction.

I feel that I should be paying money for this!

No matter how few reviews you get,do not stop updating! Always remember that people like me still appreciate such a rare gem.

I do find it intriguing that your story takes place in a time-era in which very few cannon source materials exist,outside of the standard continuity of mainstream fan community,your story presents a very possible "What if?"

So,when do you plan to update again? Lastly,can you please provide dimensions and stats for the ships in your story?

The few online sources give contrary accounts as to vessel dimensions and mass.

Just curious,since these are not "regular cannon" designs. I'm also glad to be talking to a fellow soldier! Your Canadian forces are quite good,way better than your southern yank neighbors. Too bad you guys are stuck with the Dammaco C7/C8. which is an ar-15 clone! We developed our own assault rifle in bullpup configuration!
pacificuser chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
I like this! More please!
Jedipilot24 chapter 13 . 9/11/2010
you forgot San Hill; he was captured in the Battle of Muunilinst.
Jedipilot24 chapter 14 . 9/11/2010
you forgot San Hill; he was captured in the Battle of Muunilinst.
lady gaga chapter 14 . 8/18/2010
hurotias chapter 12 . 2/4/2010
Sorry, I just realized I never reviewed this story, which is a shame as it is a damn good one. i'm really impressed with the way you've been describing the fight scenes, I don't know if you've been in the military or are interested in strategy, but it looks really real to me when I read it, so kudos on that. I like how you managed to convey the rising darkness in anakin skywalker, and I really love the relationship between him and ahsoka(even if I don't really like her character in general).

I think the only flaw I can see in your story(and it's not even a flaw, more of a choice of your part), is that it seems sometimes too action focused. I find it a bit hard to follow the plot and see where it is going, because most of the time anakin and his clones are just fighting insane odds, without us getting a lot of perspective on what they are trying to accomplish.

But don't let me dishearten you, this is still really good, and I probably should read your story again from the beginning anyway...Keep up the good work!
Marie Nomad chapter 8 . 8/3/2009
Hm... look at how the Chancellor kept on edging Anakin into the Dark side, telling him it's okay to use anger for power... oi... he's an evil one.
toby chapter 7 . 7/21/2009
great story

Maybe Anakin may not go dark side if he discover the truth about the identity of the sith lord,his own.
Marie Nomad chapter 6 . 5/13/2009
I like how you had Anakin gradually slide to the dark side. It seems natural for any teenager to dabble in things, especially something that seems forbidden.
Vetus Animus chapter 5 . 5/5/2009
this is pretty good. hope u keep up the good work
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