Reviews for The Price of Redemption
Justanotherguy56 chapter 30 . 7/17
Well this had me crying. Which sucks, because given how few chapters are left I doubt this is going to be resolved. I have been looking on and off for nearly a decade for a good Soi Fon x Yoruichi fic and this was shaping up to be the best I have ever seen. Might be pushing it to hope for an update now, but I'll hope anyway. Loved this story and I hope some day to see a conclusion to it.
Just a fan chapter 35 . 5/29
Another dead fic, a wonderful one tho, now just left unfinished. Pretty sad to me
Not sure what made u stop... but i hope things are
Gothic Rain chapter 30 . 4/13
wow this was intense but I was waiting for it and I loved every moment of it. It reminds me of Soi's transformation into a hard ass bad ass when Yoruichi left in the manga.
Gothic Rain chapter 29 . 4/13
Oh yeah, that's terrible timing all right. No doubt, "is it worth it?" went through her head and upon hearing that learned she did something terrible for Yoruichi, for nothing Like damn. Of course, there's more to it than that if only they would communicate lol. Awesome story! It's one of my favorite stories for this ship and really don't want it to stop at a cliff hanger XD chapter 1 . 11/23/2017

First and foremost, thank you for writing and not taking it down. Your story has been my first encounter with Bleach dome.
I were not certain to read Bleach fanfiction since I were not familiar with the plot nor character.
Yet, the summary written on Price of Redemption it self had me captured.
Has been a skeptic on reading new dome, I were not expecting much, alas, this was more than I thought initially. Aside from some typos, the plot was rich. And I found I were hooked to ship the pair.

Had the muse struck you up again to grace this story a continuation, I'll be forever grateful for it. Less haunted for the number of unfinished story that echoed through years.

A mind lingering that keeps me typing, even if the season had changed, would it be feasible to see that the building process still continued, that the crane is going to aligned, that she will take the worthy leap as she might have done back then even that guy took the leap before her. I wonder that much.
And moreover, to the other story that completed in 3 chapters, that crane-origami has also a link between them, this steely crane is behemoth.

Please don't take this story down however years seem long and interests had lost. It's too beautiful to be gone. Even if it felt like abandoned structure that left at the side of road, this is too likely has been a runway for parkours.

Well, pardon for my ramblings.
I wish you, your muse and life well.
Until then.
OTrizy chapter 7 . 8/15/2017
Kuukaku is awesome but fkkk Yoruichi still doesnt get it
funnydarkhunter chapter 35 . 4/30/2017
OMFG! where is it though!? I'm in desperate need of a new chapter. Idk I don't really like such long fanfics, but your writing style and way of planning what to reveal and what not to reveal always keeps me wanting more. I have to say after reading everything that chapter 30 is officially my favorite chapter of a fanfiction. The amount of emotion that can be felt through that chapter, it honestly made me want to cry when I read yoruichi's lines of her pleading and suffering. Although it also made me squeal like a fan girl when I read how badass soi was going to become. Really great work you have and I really hope that my writing could become as mind catching as yours. Idk about your life or anything, but if you can please continue this story. At least create an ending for it, because I know a whole lot of people will love to finish reading this wonderful piece of work. Thanks for reading this long comment, officially one of your fans by the way.
pratz chapter 30 . 1/24/2017

You may not read this. Hell, this might not reach you at all, but please know that you have my gratitude for ever writing this story. Of all the things love makes us do-fear, lie, cheat, be an acquaintance in a murder, commit ugly things, I get it. I do get it, and I do get Soi's retaliation. The human experience, after all, is what writers try to expound, and you did a marvelous job here. The sex, confession, and romance are lovely, but at the very core this story aims at the human heart, that fragile, beautiful, human heart. I kinda wish to know what your plan was for this story-not just to know how Yoruichi and Soi would manage their post-breakup life, but also what would others do. Strangely, I found Shihouin Sr. a compelling character.

All in all, I wish you all the best luck in your writing and life. May our paths cross again some time in the future.
Snowkid chapter 35 . 1/6/2017
Shit you never finished this chapter. And the last few were almost including no soi/yoruichi at all. Im going to cry now!

Dont think you'll ever update this story again do you?

It wouldve been one of those stories i would read ten times over. I think it really deserves an ending..
Snowkid chapter 26 . 1/6/2017
You almost make me want to start smoking again.

Love your story! I never felt much for these characters, but I read your other short stories about them and then decided to start reading this one. You are seriously brilliant! Going to finish this tonight for sure!
Amme92 chapter 35 . 12/4/2016
it's too bad you are not likely to update this story again. it's really a shame but life is life. just want you to know this is one of my favorite Yurosoi fanfics out there. there are few wth this kind of quality. i really enjoyed reading this
Guest chapter 35 . 11/12/2016
Please update T.T pleaaaaaaaaaase
DarkSideOfLightChasers chapter 1 . 4/30/2016
I got my hands on this story pretttyyy late but whoa boy! What a ride! You are an amazingly talented writer! I don't know of anyone else on this site who can write action, comedy, smut, drama with such finesse! You're an all-rounder indeed! Bravo! x)
Is there any chance you might continue this story? May be 2-3 chapters at max? I hate it that it's unfinished because I know I'll not find another one quite like this fic.
Thank you! Much love xo.
gaylebrionna chapter 35 . 10/28/2015
Please update!
nofcksgiven chapter 6 . 9/23/2015
I'm so curious about what's happening with Gotei 13 and Azien. Can't wait to find out.

Yoruichi and Soi are breaking my heart. The sex was hot and I kinda loved Yoruichi sticking her fingers inside of Soi's mouth after fucking her with them but gosh, it was also really sad. The best thing about this chapter is that they've both finally admitted out loud some of their true feelings. Hopefully they talk more about it next chapter, when they're both thinking with clear heads.
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