Reviews for A Second Chance
Alicia Janae Alexander chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
I love it
kgarrison3 chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
Yep - like it just as much. Thank you!
davysekhon chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
This was really something different and magnificent. I really loved the story and the way you wrote it. Thank you.
Motherof8 chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
That was awesome. Better than open window. Thanks
Noble Korhedron chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
Cute, but didn't sugar-coat things... Although I wonder if this had happened canonically, would it have cause increased tension with the pack...?
SarcasticBimbo chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
This was really nice, too. An excellent companion piece to An Open Window.
NeverBeenMerelyPretty chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
Although this was less emotional than the previous one (thankfully, there no letters in the story so I could at least reach the end without constantly rubbing my watery eyes while sniffing), I loved it. It was beautiful. Awesome job!
Helpless Romantic01 chapter 1 . 1/30/2013
A perfect end to a beautiful story arc. I loved everything about this story, but the first thing I want to address is the level of maturity and level-headedness Edward and Bella displayed. In the books, New Moon and Eclipse, I remember finding myself pulling my hair out over how childish and and down right infuriating they were. They refused to talk to each other at first, and when they finally did, I had to wonder if they were truly listening to what they both were saying. And Bella's initial refusal to marry Edward is another frustrtion in and of itself. I was raised by a single mom, and I never had any positive reinforcements for marriage. That being said, if I know that the person asking for my hand is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and that I CANNOT live without that person, I might have a few fears but I'd agree. Bella using her mother's influence as an excuse angered me on too many levels. It made me think she was lying to herself and everyone around her, and made me question her true level of commitment to Edward. But I digress.

The way you treated the sitution they found themselves in was amazing. I loved that Bella was the strong one for a change. I loved that Edward actually talked to each other about their mutual problems and resolved to work through them. I already know that I'm going to be reading this again and again.

CullenMasenAlways chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
And I say it again: You write so freaking well! You made me cry when I read that he fell on his knees. That was so Edward too. And I loved that propose. It was so romantic... And I love romantic things haha. Thanks, again, for the story. Take care.
KL93 chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Haha. Like this Bella more. No so dramatic in her reaction to marriage. :)
IThinkINeededThat chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
Oh, this was wonderful! I almost think you should do a third installment... of the night he turns her.
Ira Bell chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I loved this one I just wish it was longer
sholtsclaw698 chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
loved it!
Sirena32 chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
I think I'm in love. lol. What do you mean you think this wasn't as good as open window? they're both absolutely exquisite. In my opinion, their even better than the actual book. You really dug deep. In New Moon, Edward was joking and sarcastic and it was like he wasn't really that much affected by their separation at all. In here, I loved the way he let Bella see his agony and pain. I love the way you described both of their longing for each other. All I can say is that you are really gifted.
Nehnah14 chapter 1 . 7/25/2011

Again, no words.

Your description of Edward's breakdown resonated in my heart fiercely. And once again, I cried.

You really need to stop doing that to me, ya know.
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