Reviews for Nightmare Becomes a Reality
Accept The Darkness chapter 6 . 1/27/2013
OMG the ending of this fic is sooo sweet! I love it!
PanicWithAsh chapter 6 . 2/14/2011
I cried during Chapter 6, it was so sad /:

but then it got happy

nice writing btw! :3

I nominate you for best fanfiction author X3
xoxh3l3nxox chapter 6 . 11/23/2010
I feel awful for criticising this lovely story but I was kind of hoping for a more angsty ending :(
LightLifeHardy chapter 6 . 9/12/2009
I loved this story!


One question: Did you get the kids of Jeff and Chris from Full House? Just askin'.
Takerslady chapter 6 . 8/16/2009
I loved this...until the end. Why'd EVERYONE have to hear about it, John, AJ and Jay didn't need to be involved. And Jeff just GAVE Kaiden back to Matt and became uncle? Hmm...Good story. :)
BreyerRose chapter 6 . 5/31/2009
wow, this was really beautifully written & the emotions were powerful & really believeable. i wanted to hate chris & matt but just couldn't. the kids were all adorable, i luv your name. kaiden is bad ass lol. & trish & jeff were so cute. i like how you made them besties. awesome story.
Animal Luvr 4 Life chapter 6 . 5/18/2009
I'm so glad things worked out...I got scared for a minute there.
BellaHickenbottom chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
Love the happy ending and glad everthing worked out. did you notice how the twins are named the same as in Full House lol i knew they sounded familiar lol. jeff and chris happily ever after makes me happy
AnonymousPunk chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
A nice way to wrap things up. I enjoyed the story :)
Esha Napoleon chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
This was one beautiful chapter. Great job ;)
slashdlite chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
So glad finally that Chris decided to come clean with Jeff. It worked! Only because Jeff is such a good soul, he understood and forgave both Chris and Matt.

sigh .. I love happy endings. Chris and Jeff adopted their kids, the family is not complete!

Thank you for this lovely chapter, I truly enjoy it!
Jess1186 chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
That was a nice ending to the story. I'm glad that Jeff's happy.
Renna33 chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
aw, I loved it, it was so cute, but it was so sad when Jeff found out about everything, I started to cry actually.

Still, it was good, very good :)
SwanQueenforever27 chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
aw how cute i'm so glad it had a happy ending and it was so cute
takers dark lover chapter 6 . 5/17/2009
I think this was a great way to end this story. I'm glad Jeff is happy.

I like the part about Jeff knowing about it since being in the coma. That was really good.
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