Reviews for System Conflict
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
*giggles and coos* Silly boys~! Though if one doesn't jump immediately to the "crush/love" conclusion those very symptoms /would/ lead one to assume something's very wrong. The confusion is common enough with people who are new to it, or when the person one is crushing hard on is also essentially your very best friend whom you love to spend an inordinate amount of time with. The differences between crush-love and best-friend/sibling-love can be remarkably minimal when base physical arousal hasn't joined the party yet. (Or it has, but is masked by closely related things like battle-lust and the thrill of competition, etc..)
Laura-chanKHRFangirl chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
Kyah!This is so cute!XD
Nicely written, didn't see any mistakes (:
Good work :3
FortunesRevolver chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
I think this is one of the most amazing Rockman fanfictions I've ever read. I really needed a good laugh today and this gave me just that. It was brilliant-hilarious-and had just enough fluff to make me smile and go, "Awww..."

Well done. You should be proud of yourself for this one. I showed it to two friends and they were in hysterics as well. Two thumbs up from me.
Melmel Phase chapter 1 . 1/22/2011
It was great! I loved everything about it! Although I'm kind of does Enzan find out? Xp He'll most likely kill would be nice if you made a sequel to tell how...but also won't it be hard for Blues and Rock to battle eachother since they're in love? .
Captain Universe chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
I kept telling myself, "C'mon, if you just LOOK, I'm sure you'll find at least ONE good RockmanxBlues author out there!"

And I found you. Thank you for this story. :)
shaymin516 chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
aww that is so romantic when Rockam and Blues cuddle each other.
Achiasa chapter 1 . 4/16/2009
...excuse me, I need to go stand in the corner and go "ah socute" for a while. Totally adorable, hee.
mylife9 chapter 1 . 3/1/2009
I agree with you. netto would like the idea of blues and rockman having a relationship just so he could fight enzan. netto is just so carefree sometimes don't you think? this story is so cute! the reactions you had rockman go through and then have blues just say look here's what the problem is like it's no big deal. aw. adorable. side question: does chaud know, and if he does, is he okay with it?
Shadow R-B chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
You know...

I always look forward to when you update, or make a new story, cus there's so little Blues/Rockman these days, ne?

And your stories are always wonderful.

That said, hope you update soon! -

stargazedream chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
This was so freaking CUTE! Ahh, Rockman is so very. very innocent. Hahaha, an allergy, an allergy! Though I had to admit when I read the summary I felt like it was going to be about the two of them breaking something sad, and I was about to be very mad. :) But it was great, I loved it!

Sanger-sequence chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
Cute! (and not heavy either, I love light fluff!~) Poor Rock... I love the way you use your pairings!