Reviews for Unconditional
Vivaan chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 8/11/2017
Thank you so much! Really needed this view of Sakura!
Lady Nara chapter 1 . 11/11/2016
What gives you the right? Ahhhhhh the feels...!

This was incredibly hot, sweet and sad and lovely. I am never going to be able to get the image of Naruto ravishing Sasuke on the training ground out of my head, holy shit. Or that kiss at the railing, for that matter.
And I loved the contrast between Sasuke's intensity and Naruto's tenderness.

The best part about this was actually Sakura, though, which I did not expect. Her hurt and love are so well-done, I felt like I was watching a (very adult) episode. I could hear her voice and see her smile at the end there.
Dbzgirl1011 chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
Um. Where on earth has this fanfiction been? I've been scrolling through SasuNaru fanfictions for YEARS. And NONE. Have been as perfect as this one right here. No Sakura-bashing, and the Naruto - Sakura interactions were absolutely beautiful. And Sasuke and Naruto is forever the most beautiful couple ever. Sakura is amazing, and this is amazing. I felt so many emotions from suspense, to laughter, to relief... Amazing! SasuNaru forever :)
ATouchofWinter chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
As it should be.
Gih Bright chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
thank you by this seriosly! i am really mad with all that "Sakura bitch who just do shit with the boys" and this fic was awesome! It will go to my favorites because yeah, the world needs more fics like this!
LouiseUchiha chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
Well Sakura I dont like you xD
GoTrinba chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
Interesting story told in Sakura's point of view. It was a fun quick read : )
Ren421 chapter 1 . 12/13/2012
Very nice, and very satisfying. Thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
One of the best narusasu fanfics i've ever read!
Thank you, you've made my day :)
another wannabe author chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
hgjasdf chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Really beautiful. I can understand from sakura's pov so much. She's upset because they hid it from her. But damn isn't sasuke a total exhibitionist? Still, they honestly look good for each other, the two idiots.
Cerulai chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
FINALLY! You cannot believe how long I've searched for this story!

Anyways, thanks for writing this story. :) Usually, people really hate Sakura and make her seem all bitchy when she finds out about Naru and Sasu's lil relationship. I love how you wrote her POV. I love this story. It's very beautiful.
Moon-Blackhuntress chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
I love Sasuke and Naruto's reactin to Sakura's advice. *snickers*
yHime chapter 1 . 6/19/2011
Awww. I love your portrayal of Sakura!

I don't tend to like Sakura much, because the canon Sakura is too...wishy-washy for me and the Sakura most people made in NaruSasu fanfics are usually evil. D:

So I love this! I tend to want to see Sakura as the sister who loves her two teammates like brothers, so your portrayal of her was spot on!

Love the last line the most: 'Because her love was unconditional.' It touched me. Really. [:
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