Reviews for I'm Not Going To Leave You
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
OMG that invasion, the desperation, the impending loss, and the sacrifice, all that encompassing love bursting forth was so strong in this story. I love the plot you chose and I love how you ended it in the most realistic way possible.
TheCheeseyCheeser chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
;_; Piccolo...oh gawd I am in tears. It was a good concept, and I love your writing style. BUT PICCOLO!
The Chaotic Scribbler chapter 1 . 8/30/2014
Epicest. Twist. Ending. EVER!
schubskie chapter 1 . 3/8/2013
Awwwwwwww D': That was awful! Oh my gosh, they were all so happy at the beginning...and Goku *sniffles* Goku jumped out of the bush *sniffle* and... *sniffle*

Uel;kajdflkjad;lksfja;lkdjfkl;adkj MY FEELS ARE MAKING ME GO SUPER-SAIYAN.
CosmicEssence chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
Piccolo's last he refering to seeing Gohan in Other World? Because surel he realises that his son will not be him though his son will contain his memories it wont be him and Piccolo himself will be in Other World...right? So that bit i dont get.

This was intense and emotional, especially that last bit. I'd be willing to read a sequel to this regarding Gohan meeting back up with Piccolo or even on a Gohan growing up and being a semi-older brother/father to the new kid which i suppose is part of what your story is going to be about. Not sure I agree on the Mirai timeline though since Goku would be around having not caught said heart virus and well I just can't see Gohan hating the kid, a little resentful of it and feeling guilty overall but not the direction you're hinting you're taking it in. So not sure i'll read the sequel thanks...this one was great enough that the extra, for me, is not needed, even though the ending is heartbreaking it gives the image of hope. Thanks for the read, sorry for the rant.
Animecartooncomicgirl chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
this was a great one shot beautiful sweet loving sad i felt every emotion in the story
NaaraHatake chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
Ok, that made me cry. That was...amazing as a story. Yet so sad!
Frozen Megami chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
I was choked up with through the whole story, but it was the ending that got me crying. It's a wonderful one-shot!
Spontaneite chapter 1 . 8/17/2007
*Sniffs* Out of all your Gohan and Piccolo stories, this is the best in my opinion... really got to my feelings, and taht is certainly very rare for me. This has to be my most recent Most-Favorite Story. Congruafulations on this work, and be assured that this will be read several more times by me.
Amiko-san chapter 1 . 8/16/2006
I thought for sure I'd reviewed this...oh well, I should let you know I LOVE this story and read it occationally just to remind myself of how much I like it.

Thanks for posting it.

storm-of-insanity chapter 1 . 11/20/2005

the beginning was so lively and happy but then it went more into angst. i think the contrast makes it all the more effective. the bit with goku trying to get under piccolo's skin was funny and the bit when goku was panicking saying and saying things like 'whats the matter' and 'where does it hurt' even though gohan's unconcious nd piccolo has to be blunt and sarcastic. lol. i also like the simili (sp?) about doctors swarming round gohan like flis to a dead carcass. it was very suiting. mad the death seem closer. and then goku said it was like someone had died -.-U nothing like stating the obvious ay? chichi fighting the doctor was funny too and when the doctors thought that it was piccolo taht was sick becasue of his skin colour.

like i said, it's the little details that make a fic great

Volcanic chapter 1 . 10/22/2005
Ack I loved it I loved it so much
Rosiekins chapter 1 . 5/16/2005
Oh! Such a sad, sweet story, and exactly what Piccolo would do...
DemiSaiyan chapter 1 . 4/20/2004
This was a very good fic. I love fics that have Gohan getting ill, and i also like fics where Piccolo is emotional, to Gohan at least...oh and I also like fics where Piccolo is noble, and in this fic he is very noble...I cant believe he actully took the virus...any way this fic had all that I listed, which I think is a great blend I might add, So let me sum it up...this fic is GREAT, I love it alote, I cant wait to read the other part of this fic you mentioned so please, please, please update!
Hiei Girl 003 chapter 1 . 4/3/2004
Please update your story?
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