Reviews for Bop to the Top
Aqua Burst 7 chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
ROFL oh my ra this is awesome. This reminds me of a high school muscial south park episode in a good way. I love how the yugioh characters think the high school musical ones are nuts like any normal in that situation would.
jessi chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
Laugh-out-loud hilarious! I really enjoyed it.
Shaed Knightwing chapter 1 . 12/3/2011
Pfffffftahahaha! This is hilarious! I've never thought of a musical this way. It's kinda scary really. XD
andysanime chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Oh, poor poor Yugi
bookleaf chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
That was just plain Awesome! You wrote the story so well, I was having fits throughout the whole thing.

After reading this; I started imagining the other YuGiOh characters falling victim to HSM (snigger; Kaiba; dies from mental image), and even what IF you could (in complete unawarness) exchange to HSM in real life?

Oh. OH! The News! The Country! The U.S. would probably go insane, and oh my gosh, the exchange students! I'd laugh so hard(and also feel kinda sorry for them, for I would be just as terrified as Yugi if I went), but oh... No words can describe.

Great fic! Loved all the little lines you put in there, you capture the essence of both the characters and story well. Keep writing!
Rurouni Scribe8 chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
Can't breath. XD This is a great one-shot on what would happen if YGO was crossed over with HSM. Man where's Yami when you need him? Btw this line: “Whoamommawhothehellisthat? Watch where you put those hands, buddy! Aah, I’m gonna fall! More butt support! More butt support!” just cracked me up! Classic Jounouchi! LOL! I can't believe I just discovered this one-shot man did I miss out on some good laughs until now. Wonder what would happen if YGO was crossed over with Grease since that is clearly what HSM is based off of. Please keep on writing here, you're great at this.
Calamitynexus chapter 1 . 6/16/2009
LOL. I just flashed to Johnny the homicidal maniac's cheerleaders are scary speech. This was hilarious!
The Violent Tomboy chapter 1 . 3/4/2009

I always found HSM more creepy than anything else...
Sakura Takanouchi chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
OMG, this was hysterical! I loved it!
A.D. Williams chapter 1 . 2/15/2009
One a weird whim today, I decided to check out LK's fanfiction profile (I really wish he would update!), then from there, I wanted to see what he'd been up to on Live Journal...and came across a link for this! And man, I'm happy I checked it out! Totally great! I'm not sure what High School Musical movie this was supposed to be (the tittle suggests the first, the only one I've seen multiple times and like the most). Heh, Yugi dancing...that in itself is hilarious! But, who's Honda? Tristan? I know due to LK's abridged episode that Jounouchi (sp?) is Joey and Anzu (deductions) is Tea. Anywho, very funny and cute story! Great work! And I'm jealous of you for knowing LK enough to send this to him and him actually read it! _
Adam duffield chapter 1 . 2/10/2009

But I wish you used the english names though
Nuit Songeur chapter 1 . 2/9/2009

Absolutely brilliant!


...other synonyms for this...

I LOVE it!

Words cannot begin to convey the supreme-awesomeness this holds!

I'm sure LK was very please with his birthday present!

Flali-Chan chapter 1 . 2/9/2009
namenon chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
I despise HSM with a burning passion. But when I saw that this was a crossover between YGO and that monstrosity, I just had to see what had been created. And I am glad I did. This was hilarious in every way, and it totally made my morning better. Hm... Though I think that if Yami had been there, he'd of been ready to kill/maim/mind crush a few people... And Kaiba probably would be one of the few people that could retain his sanity and not dance... Though /that/ mental image is pretty great.

I love musicals, don't get me wrong. But HSM is just made of ultimate fail. If they wanted to depict high school accurately, they'd of had them singing about drugs, sex, smoking, etceteras. But you turned the eye-sore that is HSM into something quite amusing with throwing in the cast of YGO. I kind of feel sorry for them, though. D:
Lightest'Ink chapter 1 . 2/5/2009
::smacks forhead:: Dear god, this story is wrong in SO many ways. Now Kaiba is going to have to come rescue them from the freaking High School Musical gang! After they've faced bad guys and Eygptian gods and evil stones and a theif king out for blood, not to mention psychotic Marik! And now they've ruined all of their dignity. And Yugi worked so hard to be remembered for what? THIS? Although I have to admit I nearly busted a rib laughing so hard and crying at the same time for the loss of our favorite characters. Strange mixture. But I just have this strange image playing in my head over and over again of them all dancing, especially Yugi! Ahahahahahahahah. ::Starts laughing uncontrollably while crying angrily:: God I love this story. XD
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