Reviews for The MindNumbingly Ridiculous Wager Over True Love
PurpleRain012 chapter 2 . 8/1/2013
The bet is about my favorite couple so I guess my second fav will have to do, trish and Jeff
PurpleRain012 chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
I laughed so much in this first chapter.
Enigmatic Kaneanite chapter 1 . 3/7/2012
A hahahaha lap dance!
edniiitahhh chapter 3 . 8/7/2011
omg i love ur fic,so im mexican and i dont speak english but i can read so i hope u undertand.

tu historia fue asombrosa me encanta, es muy buena pero no la haz continuado, ¿porque? es muy, muy buena me hizo reir mucho espero la continues pronto.

mca chapter 3 . 8/23/2009
i would love to see edge and lita back together. cant wait to see what happens next
Tangled Web chapter 3 . 8/10/2009
I find this story to be completely hilarious! I love it! Looking forward to your next update :)
Nadia26 chapter 3 . 7/21/2009
Very very nice and funny chapter!I loved the part where Randy and Lisa Marie met!:D:D
caeubona chapter 2 . 2/16/2009
so the obvious choice would either be nora and jay or trish and jeff. i'll go with the dark horse team and say mickie and phil. i can't wait for your next update, this looks like it's gonna be exciting!
Nadia26 chapter 2 . 2/8/2009
Great chapter!:D:D:DKeep up the GREAT work!(I support Chris and Stephanie:P:P:P)
Instant Classic Superstar Pac chapter 2 . 2/8/2009
1) "The Bet of Love" is too short and normal a title for this to be an outlandish romantic comedy. We need to come up with some ridiculously long-winded version of that. How about...

..."The Mind-Numbingly Ridiculously Daring Wager Over The Course Of Love's Destiny"?

That work for ya?

2) I'm rooting Charisma on this one.
trishjeffhardy chapter 2 . 2/7/2009
let the bet begins... :)

i love this one.. i know it lita and adam centric..

but is there a possibility to have the other couples story? :)

cant w8 what will happen next!

update soon! :)
NeroAnne chapter 2 . 2/7/2009
Hehe! I'm going for Trish!

Awesome, so far!
Ainat chapter 2 . 2/7/2009
nice story...


caeubona chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
funny first chapter, the image of orton giving cena a lap dance is so disturbing it's funny. good start, hoping for more.
XtreMePeroXwhygeN chapter 1 . 2/5/2009
hah this is great so far!
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