Reviews for Second Chances
clickpic chapter 39 . 8h
Ugh! Please finish! Thanks for sharing
clickpic chapter 12 . 7/18
Ugh! Edward’s evil actions at the end!
heralderofspringtime chapter 39 . 4/2
Absolutwly love this story! Hope you get inspired again! I took a long break from Fanfiction, and have recently rediscovered it. You mentioned that you had a rough outline of this story on your bio page. I would love to see where this story was going!
NUCGIRL72 chapter 39 . 10/13/2019
Put it up for adoption
Fastace2429 chapter 39 . 3/12/2019
Please please tell me what happens to Bella and jasper and can she safely make the change and what about Edward and his mate dose jasper and Edward fight or do thay band together and become a family again and what about weddings of Bellas dad and jaspers and Bellas wedding? ? This is killing me please tell me! Here is my email angiephelps1979 gmail. Com I really would like to know what happens to in your story! !
Dreamcreaters chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
Please do not abandon this story, it's really good.
Altsewerynek chapter 38 . 8/22/2017
Hello, I'm very new to fan fiction and I just wanted to write and say that I loved this story so far! Your a very good writer. I was also wondering if you were going to finish this one day? I was curious where this story would end up. You wrote this many years ago so you might never see this but I thought I would try.
Thanks again for writing ! I hope your degrees worked out!
Guest chapter 39 . 7/19/2017
If your not going to finish ...then do everyone a big fave and save us disappointment by taking it just unfair...
jeoliverio chapter 39 . 12/5/2016
This story is too dragged out and its still not done at chapter 39. A lot of drama and extra for no reason
Sandra46 chapter 39 . 8/1/2016
I'm happy you have been able to achieve new goals. I'm afraid to say I'm a tad devastated that you aren't going to finish this story, it's been great reading. I'm going to miss it. Good luck in your new ventures x
SAYAx13 chapter 11 . 7/25/2016
Umm okay lol...
I hate your jasper i mean if his mated to bella then he sould be with her and no one else
I mean i get that he probably doesnt know yet but i would be one mad mate while bellas suffering and mopping around cause of fukwards lies hes having the time of his fukn life lol...
if this is a bella and jasper story where does this jannie person fit in all this i mean Now that she knows about vampires cause ur jasper couldnt keep it in his pants and his mouth shut lmao...
I mean i get it hes a guy and has needs blah blah but come on lol...
becksie chapter 39 . 1/30/2016
Oh man! so sad. I'm gonna favourite this, just in case you decide to finish it. thank you
iluvfangs chapter 39 . 6/4/2015
Oh well guess I should have read this chapter first! But I'm glad I got to read what you gave's been almost 3 years so I know there will probably not be more but I will keep checking as I read other fics!
iluvfangs chapter 24 . 6/4/2015
I can't imagine what it would have been like to have been reading this when you first wrote it and having to wait for this amazing tale...I guess it is with luck that I found it and can keep on going!
iluvfangs chapter 22 . 6/4/2015
Really loving the playfulness!
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