Reviews for In The Background
IronicNarwhal chapter 1 . 2/14/2009

This was amazing! I especially like one, seven, nine, eleven, and sixteen. Okay, so, you know that I loved them all but those were the funniest/cutest/interesntingest (It's a word now!) things.

I made an Angel with my Sim's game...and I swore at my computer for a full minute when I could't fina anything girly enough for him (So I made him a woman, teehee)...Then I yelled, "FUCK YOU!" in german at it when I couldn't find a beanie for Collins...haha, okay, I'm rambling now.

All in all, very good. You should maybe do one for Angel? Or does it not work that way?

Well, whatever! I sill loved it! Though I do agree with someone else who reviewed this; Why can't you use numbers like a normal person? lol. I tried using roman numerals for an assignment and my teacher told me I got up to ten alright and then jumped back and forth between twenty and fifty the rest of the time! Which was pathetic because there were only fifteen problems.


Det. Flawless chapter 1 . 2/9/2009
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I've been working on Roger's for quite some time now, but I can't seem to finish it. Lol.
Little Fish in a Big Pond chapter 1 . 2/2/2009
Aw...this was adorable. You should do something similar for Mark, Roger, and the rest of the Boho's. :0)
mileshuggingsworth chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
I liked this. I dunno why but I laughed when I read the 17 because it is so true -shudders-. Great job.
TechnicolorZebra chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
A couple were wrong, like Collins's birth year and Mark and Roger's age differece from Collins and his middle name. *It says somewhere in the play that it was Byron or Baines or something*, but those are just me being a detail freak. All in all this was so funny and awesome. Nice job! :)
broadwaybaby4205 chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
This was great! I am so favoriting. I totally loved it. Hahaha, Collins's fetis for Angel in purple thongs made me laugh SO hard XD. And him changing his middle name. Hahahaa. Wow, this fic just made my day...awesome job! Oh, and I loved the mentions of MaureenCollins friendship btw. :)
Clio195 chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
A combination of sweet, funny, and strange. :) You should totally write a drabble about xvi. [Why couldn't you use numbers like a sane person?] ;)