Reviews for Midnight Mossflower 1
ZadArchie chapter 15 . 6/10/2019
Oooh! It really is just like And Then There Were None. I just love all these small interactions between characters as they meet each other for the first time. It really helps set the tone for what's about to be an extravagant mystery. So far, I really do kind of like Desmond. He's this dashing cad that you can't stand, but still, compared to some of the others, he could be worse. And I don't mean that these characters are badly written. Oh, no. Rather, they're very well drawn out, but in terms of their backgrounds and how likable they are, so far Desmond's one of the ones who has my vote...for now.

Back to the mystery at hand. I'm really curious about what's going on with these servants and just how they've been "programmed," we'll say. Falliss is an interesting host who we haven't really met all that well yet. I just wonder what sort of power he holds over his castle, and his guests.
ZadArchie chapter 10 . 3/17/2019
The tension begins to mount, and I wonder what will happen to our "heroes." This chapter in particular is a little odd though. Bear in mind, it's been a while since I've read Redwall books, so maybe there is this level of fantasy involved, but I just don't remember it. Still, this whole thing with the magic painting and being controlled by a "story" is a little out there for what I'm used to. I'm willing to give it a try, though. And it looks like we still have a few characters left to meet.
ZadArchie chapter 5 . 2/11/2019
I have to say a couple of things about this story. First, so many people want to do SYOC stories on this site, and more often than not, they break the rules. But this...this is a textbook example of how best to approach the idea. Using an outside forum and then reposting the entries, it's a brilliant idea! This is how collaboration and idea sharing should look like. Well done!

Second, I just love the concept. This reads like something out of And Then There Were None but with woodland animals. Perfect! I'm already in suspense because I know that crazy stuff's about to go down. And, just like Dame Agatha Christie, each of these "guests" have some unsavory histories, meaning that maybe the reader will start to question if they "deserved" it. I'm on the edge of my seat, and eager to read more. I just wish there were more hours in the day for me to do so.

kegusaran 14 chapter 24 . 3/16/2012
i hate that otter b*tch
kegusaran 14 chapter 21 . 3/16/2012
chapter 21, oh what travesty ye bring. rooting for either the newt, marten, hare, or fox. die otter die, along with badger. wont mind the stoat.
kegusaran 14 chapter 4 . 3/16/2012
DAMN! so far so good, though the whole thing about getting to know them is getting tireing.
kegusaran 14 chapter 2 . 3/16/2012
god bless you. you have done what i've always wanted to do, combine a survivor story with redwall.
Addlebrain chapter 93 . 6/6/2010
Hilarious ending, Obidiah won't feel good the following morning, if he wakes up...

Great story.
Addlebrain chapter 84 . 6/5/2010
Hehe, the chapter opening song is: The Game by Motorhead, it's a Wrestler's song, this whole story so far has been great, cept Nalliman dying, but you ARE fond of killing the funny one...
Addlebrain chapter 24 . 6/2/2010
Sootpaws shouldn't have died... He was the comic relief, the funny one... always the good ones die first...
Jarrtail chapter 93 . 12/29/2009
Excellant ending. I applaud you, Biara. Though I am surprised that Obadiah didn't remember the contestants. He did profile them, after all. Other than that, excellant.

I noticed the word "official" at the end of the chapter. Does that mean anything signigicant?

MetallicTaste chapter 42 . 12/20/2009
Teardrop, Massive Attack

do i win?

P.S.: Black flowers blossom
Auua Ytjoml chapter 90 . 6/11/2009
I thought you were done. Hm. Well nicely done shattering the perception that Biara killed the other two. Will you continue on for a few more chapters or concontrate on redscape?

Flapjaw chapter 89 . 6/8/2009

...Damn... That was unexpected: Taking out the writer but keeping the character. I like it. It's original.

This story rules! I hope they kill Falliss... So dark.

Just, wow.
Auua Ytjoml chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
I'm sorry I tend to skip around a lot. I do that a lot with stories I'm fasinated with but hate the plot. Good writing all 11 of you. This reminds me of the book And Then There Were None.
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