Reviews for New Beginnings
Asterix Tutnix chapter 3 . 10/3/2011
A good beginning to an interesting story. It is the first story I have read about the start of Snae's teaching career. Unfortunately it seems as if you've abvandoned the story, do you plan to continue this?
AccountDeletePlease chapter 3 . 7/18/2009
This is interesting, because I never really thought about it.

Lovely story :D

Borolin chapter 3 . 5/2/2009
Yes, it must have been very difficult for him, teaching when he was hardly older than the students - and some of the seventh years may have seen him being hung up and stripped by the Marauders when they were firsties. They will certainly know about it, and know the "Snivellus" nickname.

You've got an error in the first paragraph, btw. You've got "the new Potions teacher was not a force to be reckoned with", but it's clear from the context that he *was* a force to be reckoned with. To be "a force to be reckoned with" is to be somebody strong and difficult to overcome if you tangle with them, so to say he *wasn't* a force to be reckoned with would be the same as saying he was feeble.
Borolin chapter 2 . 5/2/2009
Hmm. The portrait of Snape, in class and in the common room, is convincing: but would he have spoken so openly against Voldemort? Remember, for the first two months of Snape's tenure as Potions master Voldemort was still very active, and Snape was working as a double agent and pretending to Voldemort to be working for *him*. He was also still hoping that Voldemort would spare Lily because he had asked him to do so as a favour - so would he do something like this which might get back to Voldemort and antagonise him?

I'm not sure, either, about the fact that the Slytherin students already know he has been accused of being a Death Eater. Sirius, an Order member who hated him, did *not* know that he had ever been accused of being a DE - which suggests that either the Ministry investigation into Snape was *very* secret, or it happened after Sirius was arrested - which is to say, after Snape had already been a teacher for at least two months.
Borolin chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
Well-written and promising.
shyfoxling chapter 3 . 4/18/2009
I like this chapter, and I love your young Professor. It's interesting how he seems to be more at ease or lighter of heart here than he is in later life, despite his discomfort or finding his feet in this role, although I suppose there are a number of factors going on that could cause that. In some ways I think that the decade of the 80s might have been the most "normal" period of his life.
Half-drowned Dracula chapter 3 . 3/18/2009
I like this story, not many people focus on when Snape started his teaching :)

Looking forward to your next chapter now
ShadowCub chapter 3 . 3/18/2009
Snape is the man!
doing 25 life in azkaban chapter 2 . 3/14/2009
I really like this story, I think you've captured Snape very well and I loved his speech in the first chapter. Please update.
700legna chapter 2 . 1/24/2009

I love it. Perhaps Snape seams more mature here then he should be at that age but considering what he has been trough maybe it's naturall. Anyway it's how you see him and all in all I really liked the thing. I hope you'll update soon...

sinj chapter 2 . 1/23/2009
This is shaping up to be really interesting. Like the idea of trying to see how Snape started his teaching career.
The Lady Grace chapter 2 . 1/23/2009
Interesting. This is the first story of its sort that I have seen. I like it a lot. ;)
