Reviews for Secret Sideshots, Outtakes, and More
blb1000 chapter 4 . 12/21/2009
These outtakes are great. I love the extra lemons!
Gennell chapter 4 . 12/2/2009
This does help me to understand Edward a little better. My favorite Edward/Bella moment so far is the day they spent together when they went to visit Marie. They were both real that day, no lies, no pretending, just two friends spending the day together, and the time with Marie felt really special.
mystify23 chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
love it. 3

good job )
coxie chapter 4 . 8/3/2009
So he lied to her. To what, get her to forget about him? Or to convince himself this is for the best.
mspacman1 chapter 4 . 7/6/2009
I was right the one-shot is next. Thanks for the explanation or Edward's points... very helpful. Oh and btw my fav Bella& Edward moment from Secret would probably have to be Christmas morning when the sit in the park and Edward gives her the bracelet.
mspacman1 chapter 3 . 7/6/2009
poor Bella! I can't imagine leaving the person you love like... but like she said its hard to say "no" when the person you love is begging you to do something.
sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 4 . 7/2/2009
OK, even though I've already read this, I honestly thought that Edward was lying in the first place. No WAY would he mean any of those things-not even reading the conversation in Bella's POV covered that up.

Man, we heard a lot about Edward in this interlude. It's like he summed up all the crap he was dealing with in one chapter. And who knew that Edward was capable of feeling such hatred for himself? HONESTLY, that boy has no self-esteem.

Ah, Esme's wise words. What would the world be without them?

Thanks for adding the last part of the last chapter into this interlude. I was a little curious about Edward's POV for this part. And man, do those lies seem realer now that we know the truth. (Is 'realer' a word? Whatever.)

Aw! That last flashback scene of Edward and Bella during Christmas was so sad. It was almost like, what COULD'VE been if they were together. To Edward, it is a distant memory.

And NOW. The epic ONE-SHOT! XD

Agathons Fan chapter 4 . 6/27/2009
ok, so i found the chapter. thanks for all the explanations at the bottom and from edward pov.
creampuffsteph chapter 4 . 6/20/2009
poor, poor edward. it's hard reading this, knowing how he is lying to bella because of how he views the situation. i mean, i kinda know what happens next, but not enough to make me feel eased. i am curious to what esme's answer was to the question, and what edward's will be as well.

thanks for the a/n. it's nice to hear about edward thru the author, not just his thoughts. because it's even more insightful.

and now i'm gonna stop and go to the o/s. i've been looking forward for so long! and not just bc of the schmexy, but because it adds a whole other layer to their relatinoship. and it leads to even bigger things!
ugabrat chapter 1 . 6/16/2009
Wow! That was hot! Very hot! Need a cigarette now.
cshorte chapter 4 . 6/10/2009
Poor Edward! I hate that he thinks of himself that way . Awesome

chapter, I loved knowing what was going on in his head. Favorite moment would have to be when they were at the park and he gave her the bracelet.
lovedwardalways chapter 4 . 6/10/2009
I love seeing it from Edward's pov the torment he is feeling is really deep right now. Charlie really secured his resolve on the fact he does not deserve her. I like how you go back to the one shot from time to time it gives perspective. Fav b/e moment was either the park in the snow, or the diner after meeting marie.
Babette12 chapter 4 . 6/10/2009
Edward really has such a warped opinion of himself. I think he needs to answer Esme's question for himself before he moves on. The obvious answer to me is yes, you interfere with life, you take control and make decisions and see where they take you. Edward is so afraid of that. What if he makes the wrong choice? What if in doing so, Bella gets hurt? He's allowing his fear to control him, instead of controlling it.

I'm thinking he will be shocked and surprised by what Bella does, but he will still be in protection mode. While I'm excited to read that chapter (it's up now, and I'll be reading it right away), I'm almost more curious as to how he will act to the new development.
naelany chapter 4 . 6/10/2009
*sigh* Poor Edward, always so hard on himself.

Hmm, favorite moment? I think when he's taking her to see her grandmother
IcelandGirl812 chapter 4 . 6/9/2009
Wow. The sheer complexity of Edward leaves me speechless. I just...shit, I don't even know what to say!

I suppose I'll change the subject then and hope that it helps me find something to say about this. I'm looking forward to the one-shot chapter! :D I'm so excited to see what happens after it and whatever changes may have been made to it.

I'm still can't think of anything to say besides "whoa". But take my wordless-ness and current bugging-out eyes as a compliment because they're just a testament of how great a writer you are. My favorite stories are always the ones that leave me me speechless at some point. :)

As far as my favorite moment between them goes, I think it'd have to be at the banquet in the hallway. But...hmm...when they were in the park and he gave her the bracelet is a definite, solid second.
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