Reviews for Seventeen Years
cinewardy chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
hey! love this story, i can actually feel what bella feel.. great story! but the fact that they didn't have, well, safe sex for the first time, is little bothering me.. overall, great story! :)
O CULLEN D chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
Hey I love your story it is just soo awsome. Bye bye then wouldn't want to keep u from other readers reviews.
vampiregurl chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
aww ..your story is so sweet.

but i'm curious. when did he start to love bella? he was still with her when bella went home.
stariskye chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
Very very good :o)

PatientFineBalancedKind chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
some kind of wonderful is my favorite movie, i've watched it a gazillion times, and yet, eveytime gets teared up. i think you did a great job with writing this story. bravo

Rococo-Bang chapter 1 . 6/12/2009
I dont know why but this story didnt feel right. in the end when they were to gether my chest still hurt and I wanted to cry... I feel like jacob should have shown up and Edward come to realize he wanted her. There was too much angst and it made me nauseous, wanting to throw up. There was to much damage for it tto be fixed that easily. Bella was strong yet she was to weak.

It was good but i feel the solution was wrong and I feel sick and disappointed. you are a good writer but it just felt wrong.

Nikkaayy95 chapter 1 . 3/3/2009
*claps hands* Bravo! So good! I freaking love this ! Thank you.
HeyThereTwyla chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
Hey! this was FANTASTIC, and i read your profile(yes i was curous about you, lol. i have another friend from the UK and he is so sweet, you are too) and i think you're right. i was reading your story and got down to the ending(right before the lemon) when I desperately wanted to know who you were! because your writing is THAT AMAZING. when i found who you were i also found that this was rated M, aka lemon... it was such a surprise because i didn't know this was a lemon and so you can probably guess that knowing it was a lemon DID take all the romance out of it. but it's not your fault, you had to do it. but next time i read a good E/B fic i am NOT looking at the rating, lol. thanks for the tips on your profile also, they're great and so right.

Oh yeah, I'm so glad i didnt forget! you know when i found out that this was a lemon? yeah i also found out that it was a ONE-SHOT! only a ONE-SHOT! now im sad. what will i read when you're not there to update? what ever will i read! please right something else soon, i would love to read more from you, your writing is fantastic.
JK5959 chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
I loved this story. Even though I've seen Some Kind of Wonderful about a million times, I still got teary eyed at certain parts. Even knowing they would get together, my heart still broke for Bella. This just goes to show what kind of writer you are. Not many stories can evoke emotions in me but yours did.

On a side note...guys are idiots.

And I agree with you on the review thing. It amazes me when really great stories don't get many reviews, and it surprises me even more when the really bad fanfics get over a thousand. That's why I try to review any story that a I read, whether it's critical or not. So, here I am, paying it forward. By the way, Pay It Forward is a really great movie. I highly recommend it.

Anyway, I loved this story and it was great how you made it your own but still kept to the movie story line. I look forward to more of your stories. : )
kathykat963 chapter 1 . 1/18/2009
Aaw, that was so sad and sweet. However, I would have liked it more if there's a part where Edward explained how he felt about kissing Rosalie and stuff, and how he realized that he is in love with Bella.

Great story though, xD.

Twilightlvr1 chapter 1 . 1/18/2009
I like that movie and I liked this story. Even knowing how it would turn out, my heart still hurt for Bella. I thought you did a good job of conveying the emotions here and I liked the lemon at the end.
edward-is-so-romantic chapter 1 . 1/16/2009
OMG...that was so good. I almost didnt read it since he was asking rosalie to the prom but im glad i did...GREAT JOB!
Kathryn Mason-Sykes chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
awesome job!
Ayumu Kurokawa chapter 1 . 1/15/2009

You did an amazing job!
edward101lover chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
aha i really like this!
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