Reviews for Donna Noble, Supertemp
DonnaNoble chapter 13 . 7/27/2012
This is such a great story! I'm only up to chapter thirteen and I already love it!
I also just realised that Clyde Hasgert and Cadger Ethyls are anagrams! (Also with the words "charged style," but I don't think that's very important...) Not sure where it will lead to yet but I can't wait to find out!
Great work! X
jesuisnique chapter 14 . 7/2/2010
You're my new hero. I adore this story, truely. The Doctor/Donna pairing is my favortive, and the way you've written it is, to be frank, awesome. Or, ah, amazing. Which ever you prefer.
misstimelord chapter 23 . 3/9/2010
Woah! This story was truley AMAZING!

You had the doctors and donnas characteristics perfectly!

Loving this alot!

Reading the sequel ASAP! Thanks for keeping me entertained!

-Misstimelord x
SPG inc chapter 23 . 6/13/2009
Yay! I liked this fic. Must read the sequal too
the little harlequin chapter 23 . 6/12/2009
OK, you officially ROCK! Not only did you deliver an excellent final chapter to this fic, but you ALREADY have the first chapter of the sequel up? Thank you so much *hugs*
HRInuyashaFan16 chapter 23 . 6/12/2009
this story was very good. i loved it. i am going to be reading the first chapter of the sequel after i am done writing this. i hope i will also like that one. good luck on your writing
dreamcatcher386 chapter 23 . 6/12/2009
Excellent! I've really enjoyed this fic; you did a great job! No, onto the sequel!
DonnaLuvr chapter 23 . 6/12/2009
Very good! I can't wait to read the sequel!
dreamcatcher386 chapter 22 . 6/2/2009
Loved the jelly babies!
DonnaLuvr chapter 22 . 6/2/2009
Good one!
SPG inc chapter 22 . 6/2/2009
Yay! I like it

but I prefer the original explanation behind how the time lord killer was real (no offence)
the little harlequin chapter 22 . 5/31/2009
Woo Hoo! Jelly babies! I laughed out loud at Donna's confusion when she didn't known where or how he'd got them! I cannot wait for the sequel, is it going to be Earth-based again or on some alien planet? Is Luke, Clyde and Rani going to be in it. So many questions. Thanx for writing!
Donna Tempus chapter 22 . 5/31/2009
I don't beleave it! Sarah Jane got the Doctor to eat pears!
the little harlequin chapter 21 . 5/29/2009
Excellent chappie! And a sequel to come after TWO more chapers! Awesome! You capture the characters so well!
dreamcatcher386 chapter 21 . 5/26/2009
Great chapter!
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