Reviews for Fujoshi
MadNeko-I'mNutsYA-HA chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
I'm under the impression that Wakana is the one spreading their relationship..

Listening to trees chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Summary says all! XD Can't bring myself to care if it's a ficlet, this has everything and then some (plus fujoshi in the world of Es21 too! Hurrah! :P). I'm just enjoying poor Takami's torture too much.

Thanks for the hard work! _
Beizanten chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
AAAw, this is really cute and amusing! love Takami and the fangirl reaction! he did seem really close to Takami even though he no Shin longer and they were partner in the field! Sakuraba is really cute!
Little Blue Spirit chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
I feel for the chubby girl. I really do. I like a light funny story. It's also very realistic (by my standards, but I'm a little medically messed-up). Good job! :D
Tatsu-neko chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
wakana's in truble lol

takami's gonna sic hiruma on her *grin*
LittleGrapefruit chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
This was just too cute! X3 I love Takami X Sakuraba! I'm so glad that someone actually take their time to write fics about them. Thanks so much! :D
Witchysomething chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
Takami/Sakuraba is my favorite 'Side-Pairing'. If I ever build the nerve to actually write a fic in this fandom, they'll definitely be together. This was so cute. Nicely done.
Here's Your Cheese Omelette chapter 1 . 3/18/2009

It's a very cute story!

You know, I used to like Shin/Sakuraba more than Takami/Sakuraba, but now that I read this...


They're both vying for first place and I think Shin is losing...

Super cute!


Tuli-Susi chapter 1 . 1/26/2009
Oh, that girl would make so much money if she sold her story to magazine editors! And I bet you, it would be a while before anyone thought to even ASK her if she knew any other girls that would do that. It would take them until graduation to actually suspect her. lol

Cute name though. "whiteprincess16" The Oujou WHITE Knights, Knights tend to rescue the princess (more than the prince, you might notice) and 16 as Sakurab's jersey number. Maybe that should have been 216 or something. Meh, I loved the fic and the subtlety, I never would have thought or Wakana if you hadn't pointed it out.
Makayla chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
Adorable! I could definitely see myself as one of those girls if I found out my celebrity!crush had a boyfriend XD

I loved Tamaki's POV, this story had him stamped all over it XD
Kerykeion chapter 1 . 1/2/2009
I would've been standing in the background, blushing like mad and thinking the exact same things. xD Although, I'm much more a Takami fangirl.

This is so the awesome. You've made a random person very happy!
F.A. Star Hawk chapter 1 . 1/2/2009
"Kiss! Kiss! Please kiss!" That's like something I would say (in my mind). XD

Awesome fic, thanks for posting!