Reviews for Earth
wanda lensherr chapter 20 . 11/27/2014
Awesome story!
xxyangxx2006 chapter 20 . 2/7/2012
Who knew doing the deed could make sure a springing life! Hehe just imagine that seems to be crazy. Good job and loved the lemony goodness
Kathalla chapter 1 . 10/29/2011
Interesting start to say the lest!
Lady Krystalyn chapter 20 . 10/26/2011
I absolutely love this story! Such an interesting and original concept, I can't wait to read more! Update soon please!
FreeSpiritSeeker chapter 20 . 10/25/2011
Yay! You updated! Loved the chapter, is this going to be the end of the story? And mega-congrats on your ebook! I'm absolutely thrilled for you!
Hepburn chapter 20 . 10/24/2011

Another chapter to this story and one tinged with a bit of the steamy!

Thanks for posting this Isis!

I love this tale!

And I am ever so proud of you finishing your novel!

May it be read by over a million people! : )
Chaptergirl chapter 19 . 5/9/2011
I love your story! Please write another chapter so we can find out how Nuada and Avani "reconnected".
DJ.V chapter 19 . 4/12/2011
Wow ! Your story is breathtaking. You're a brilliant writer and I'm so taken by your details . Amazing (: That's all I have to say!
Blood Zodiac chapter 19 . 4/4/2011
OMG, I hope you'll continue. Good characterization, plot and word choice.
xxyangxx2006 chapter 19 . 3/26/2011
Well this is really good and youb deserve all the reviews you get depite how long or short each chapter takes to be put out. Great job and I love Avani and the HB and Liz's kids! They are adorable! And yay! Nuala's back with Abe! ONce again great job and can't wait for the next one!
blue-fuzzy chapter 19 . 3/22/2011
I would wait until the apocalypse to see this story end . . . and besides, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." . keep it up
Elspeth chapter 19 . 3/16/2011
Hey, you're back. Good to see. Thanks for the happy ending, Nuala's too good a character to kill off and it would have made Nuada very unhappy.

I was a little confused in the climatic scene. "All of them threw their arms up with the light flashed out, up toward the sky." All of who? I had to re-read that bit to make it clear what had happened.

Hope now that you're so near the finish line, the final chapter(s) come soon.
sora-chan chapter 19 . 3/14/2011
please update soon... Would like to see what happens next...
FreeSpiritSeeker chapter 19 . 3/12/2011
Ack! How could you stop there! MORE! *lol* I absolutely love this story and I was beyond super-thrilled when I saw it in my inbox. Unfortunately it took me a few days to be able to get to reading it because my internet has been being a piece of junk lately and wouldn't open anything. But I loved the update and cannot wait for more! I am so excited to see what happens next and so thrilled to see you back writing again and knowing that you didn't abandon us! :D
Danielle chapter 19 . 3/11/2011
Okay, I (grudgingly) forgive you. I've been following this story from the start and it's really taking a leap forward now. The only problem is, you update just when I've concluded you've given up on it, then I always forget where I got to previously. But at least it looks like you've put up more than one chapter this time. Please update again fairly soon!
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