Reviews for A Midnight Clear
KH freak 813 chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
I'm glad that the two can be together! Namine really is a saint!
The Orgasmic Uke chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
Again with the, Married Axel. I like the twist of Butler/Master as well. I love this dynamic and you write it so very well. Well done once again.
NormaJean Beausoleil chapter 1 . 12/8/2011
awww. what lovely fluff!
Ruthless Trinket chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
This one was nice and sexy...

I loved it.

Butler and Master. Hot. 8D

Thanks for sharing!
Kunoichi21 chapter 1 . 3/18/2011
God, I'm such a sucker for a sweet, submissive Roxas.
Darkwolflink1 chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
i love this story sooo much, and listerning to Kingdom Hearts - Dearly Beloved as i was reading it just made it that so much more better. you set the mood well and your a good writter well done i love the whole story XD
Funky Bracelet Chick chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
This one's my favorite so far ]]
mitsuki95351 from deviantart chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
very cute!

at first i was shocked that you made roxas a misters! T.T

so sad

but yay happy ending!
CTL chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
I loved this! I knew this story was around for a while, but I purposely waited till december to read it... heheh. Your stories always have a really unique setting and the way you write is, so, amazing.

A perfect story to read on Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Pixie chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
I think, despite the lack of porn (I'll be honest, massive amounts of the time I read it for the porn) This is one of my favorite peices from you. It's very heartful, very tender. And I really like your character portrayals. The Lady of the story is not a bitch. She is confused, yes, but is generally very sweet and all that, and she's so loving in a way. In the "I don't want you to suffer and I wouldn't get anything out of it anyway" sense. If you ever do another installment, please find Namine somebody to play with? *bats lashes* And the Lord isn't off being a playboy or being a nuisance or a jerk. Instead he's rather lovely, going through all that for Namine and honestly being sorry he can't be a full husband to her. And the split loyalty of poor Roxas is well done too. I just hope that one day Axel can manage to at least give Namine a child, it'd just require the once. Maybe thinking of Roxas while he does it. (Close your eyes and think of England! lol)
Meriarijim chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
I think you might be getting sick of me, but oh man oh man, do I adore your writing. I love how you write Axel- calmer and gentle with some spice instead of what most people write him as. Makes me like him very much. Roxas, too.

And I love this setting and how it all wrapped together. Very nice. (I love winter-fics for some reason. 'specially if they are alternate universes~) Fantabulous job~
ImmyWins chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
I don't usually write critiques for fear of sounding stupid, but this deserves it. See? Sounding stupid already. Haha...

This brought tears to my eyes and a kind of swelling feeling in my heart, stomach, and throat. I've never read anything like it. You have an incredible talent and I can't wait to read more of your works(as well as the next chapter of Show Me the Money, also an absolutely astounding fanfiction.). I'm going to go and cry myself to sleep now. Thanks.
AccountKiller3517 chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
You surely must be a magician. I never found someone who could write as perfectly as you do. It was a very sweet one-shot and although it was not sad at all, it had me nearly crying.

I don't have the wors to describe the way it made me feel and I think such words don't exist. This one-shot really is a masterpiece even in it's simplicity.

Please keep writing such wonderful stories.

( Please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes or misspelt words, English is not my native language )
Myou Matsuro chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
Y'know...I always love these type of stories set in the 1800s and the Victorian Era clothing, because it can seem either very romanticized and beautiful, or it can go the Charles Dickens road.

But anyways, I loved what you've done with this fic, because most Victorian Era stories with yaoi and stuff usually ends fairly sadly or on a good note but with the knowledge that it's not always going to be that way.

I dunno, but it seems really great the way you portrayed Axel and Roxas and everything - it seems to keep in their time period. (especially the whole 'I was not able to be a proper husband' without being explicit...which is probably how they would have said it) Not to mention, I loved seeing a nice Namine for a change - for some reason or other, I've been finding her in fics lately as being portrayed as needy or backstabbing, which while it may suit the purposes of the story, I've always felt it was a bit odd since I love the female cast of KH as dearly as the males. Even Larxene. Heh.

But it was quite refreshing and nice to see Namine portrayed really as a martyr - I love how kind she is in this fic. It suits her and her pure looks much better than a traitorous one.

Haha, and the tidbit about Lady Olette and Lord Hayner was funny 'cos I could really imagine that somewhere out there, there were several 'noblewomen' that were like that. :D
1557757 chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
The thing I admire the most about your writing is the way you can capture my attention with so much narrative. I sometimes have issues really reading all of the sentences with conviction, but whenever I read your writing, that problem seems to disappear. :)

You're wonderful,

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