Reviews for Catching a break
70414 chapter 8 . 7/4/2014
Couldn't think of a clever name. This story is great! You did really well writing the characters and keeping them in character, I don't know if this is finished (since it's been 5 years) but none the less this is awesome!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/20/2014
You need to keep this story going dudee!
No Name chapter 8 . 7/20/2012
okay it's been a couple of years but ... will you update? plz? ... xD
Ferretess xxx chapter 8 . 6/27/2012
Haha, Jude... why? XD And thanks to this fic, I've now fallen in love with Jonesy/Jude! :) It's been years since you've updated, though- I hope you'll continue it someday!
hypersreak chapter 8 . 6/15/2011
I like it. Is this the last chapter or will it be continued? Hope it's the latter:)
skullcandy-chan chapter 8 . 1/13/2011
haha i liked it it was funny! :)
Drag0ns0ul chapter 8 . 1/11/2011
I know it's been like 2 yrs since you've updated but i love this story please write more!
NakedKing chapter 8 . 12/29/2010
Awwww you stopped writing!

I love this and think it should be continued~
thechiifactor chapter 8 . 7/18/2010
ohh i know its been awhile awhile but plleeaasseee pleas pretty please update! ToT
KioshiKitsuneKunNoDeviant chapter 8 . 5/14/2010
pepperspray lol
Filomene Hara chapter 4 . 1/30/2010
this is good. I like knowing im not the only one who makes up this stuff
Eve-the-Charlotte-Archive chapter 8 . 1/13/2010
This is a really cute story! Please update it soon!
LoverOfTheDarkness chapter 8 . 1/9/2010

Keep writing your story! :] I can't wait to read the next chapter!
lovecrumb chapter 8 . 1/8/2010
oh my god I don't want to turn into one of those annoying watchers, I KNOW those annoying watcher but you DID promise!

If you're still not content with this ending or looking to change anything I totally imagine something really adorable that could happen that doesn't alter the ending too much but kind of wraps it up in a nice bow (aka the unsolved coming out to parents dilemna)

Instead of Jonesy\s mom walking in and them immediately acting innocent, how about they are both really into the kiss and don't react quickly enough to the opening door. They freeze in horror, staring at each other, Jude still in Jonesy's lap with Jonesy's arms on him, hoping that something else caused that door to open and NOT who they know it is. (Then followed directly by scenario's A or B )

scenario A) They slowly turn around and see Jonesy's mum finishing putting her coat away and then she immediately looks up at them before they can move an inch. They think they are royally effed, but she just brushes it aside entirely like everything is how it normally is, walks by them to the kitchen shaking the snow out of hair casually and says "Hey Jude- do you want to stay for dinner again?"

The two guys look at eachother, the same horror-struck expressions on their faces, which slowly melt away into smiles then histarical laughter and then run into the kitchen to help make dinner :) (this only covers Jonesy's mums reaction though, and that horrible nightmare Jonesy would be satisfying if it were in some small way resolved- the story is detailed and takes a perfect slow pace to set the ball rolling, but then the ball kind of hits into a wall at the end without rolling to a stop (Sorry, I hope that doesn't sound harsh- I just know people don't just write these stories for compliments but for suggestions as well! )

Scenario B)

They slowly turn around and see both of Judes parents stepping in from the cold (I've just assumed it's still winter...) brushing snow off themselves and look up. Jonesy's mum smiles and greets Jude like always (because everyone love Jude right? xD ) and walks to the kitchen and Jonesy's dad follows her silently. They think they are effed (when in reality, Jonesy's dad always acts that way). Jonesy's mum yells from the kitchen, inviting Jude for dinner. There's a long awkward pause where Jude finds he can't actually form words (they are still stuck in the same pose on the couch, frozen LOL) A moment later, Jonesy's dad pops his head around the corner expectantly just to see them sitting there horrified. He grins and goes back to the kitchen telling his wife loudlly "Yea, Jude'll be staying for dinner tonight considering last time our son rushed him out early before we could ask Jude where he was hiding his beautiful sister all this time!" (IE VALENTINESFAIL-THEY KNOW LOL)

J&J get up like robots and enter the kitchen, them being more awkward than the parents. Mum looks up from the celery she's chopping and points to the carrots with her knife: " guys don't think you're going to get away without helping this time do ya? chop chop chop!"

-then brief ending blather

This one is more idealized, but why not have a happy ending? It kind of wraps up the story nicely and makes reference to his parents early knowledge/acceptance after valentines day :)

ahahaha WOW, I got too into that! Well, I hope you get this message! Will SO not be offended at all if you'd rather leave the chapter as is! Let me know if you ever get back to it kay?

lovecrumb chapter 7 . 1/8/2010
*sobs uncontrollably*

sobbing aside, take this seriously: I have read MANY fan-fiction stories over the past 5 years, and not a single one can compare to how happy this story is making me. I've never considered them a couple I would fangasm over, but you've made me fall in love with the idea of them! You've included really nice touches here and there so it avoids teen-angst themes or overly-cheesy themes. It suits the show but with a more sensitive side, and I've been taken on a sort of emotional journey per say!

Jude is being so silly and he can't even tell! Or can he? I sense he is beginning to grow strange feelings for Jonesy that he doesn't understand (especially that being his first kiss- amazingly adorable touch by the way). Jude is taking out these wierd feelings almost subconciously by uber playing up his role as girlfriend and taking advantage of poor Jonesy without even realizing. But the kiss? I could understand Jude playing up to everything else, but that last kiss cuts the last thread of me thinking he might not like jonesy romantically (although aparantly physically lol)


I know you wrote this chapter a few months ago and things could have changed BUT IM 20 AND STILL HAVEN'T REALLY KISSED ANYONE (by really I mean I have completely deleted a very un-worthy experience from my mind that I don't consider works for anything LOL) Man, you'd think I was covered in cooties. Gotta say, I think it's because I never felt attracted physically to my peers untill 1st year university hit and that stupid boy came along with his stupid girlfriend. And by stupid boy I mean that we;re all time best friends now (yay*sobs*) and by stupid girlfriend I mean that cinderella's step-mother would look like an angel next to her (she is very abusive towards him unfortunately :( )

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