Reviews for In Pieces
BRUCAS123 chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
I have to review this because I never did. And for some reason this made me laugh. I dk why... lol I'm a mess.
craxygirl54 chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
Omg this was so beautiful I loved the ending it was incredible. Brucas forever I don't care if he got married to Peyton I know that lucas' true love will always be Brooke. Great writing and just great work.
NightlyEvilTM chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
OMG! This is amazing!
mynameiscaitlyn chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
OMG! This is one of the best fanfics ever. BRUCAS LOVE. Keep writing!
Blue JA chapter 1 . 3/19/2009
That was a wonderful oneshot. That story so made me want to cry, Brooke all broken a :ucas coming to her rescue (kind of). But so upset that Peyton and Lucas get married in the end after Lucas tell Brooke he loves her.

Wow wearing the soiled fabric for her drees,and Lucas "I love your dress," unbelieveable most of the time he just pisses me off, but i will always love them together. The show/ any story is just not the say without Brucas

Your story was wonderful, your an amazing writer keep up the amazing work. XOXO :D
ashstalker chapter 1 . 3/2/2009
that was so sad! beautifully written, but it made me feel sad. so, i guess, mission accomplished, right?
julian bb chapter 1 . 12/28/2008
that was hot

loved the dress thing and that lucas recognized it

on the show he would've been too stupid to notice that

wish mark would write something like this

peace out!

Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2008
Wow g8 story even if it was sad. i could stand pucas if mark wrote something like this as an end 2 brucas... o.0 who am i kidding give 3 seconds with that so called writer n i'll set his ss straight. i havnt grown up in Detroit with picking up a thing or 2 (_~) mark oth season 6 both could kick rocks haha old school 4 ya. read old fic's gh jarly fic's. anywho viva la brucas or bring back felix. he was hot way hotter then fat ss owen haha cant stand him or plain ss julian he talk's like he has 2 read cue cards or repeats what's being fed 2 him. hey if u like owen or julian pay me no mind i'm on a sugar high way 2 many pepperment sticks viva la pepperment sticks oh crap here's my sis hey give those back i only had 5 anyway this rant was brought to u by moonkis n i approve this msg. what can i say i'm thinking bout running for office moonkis for prez has a nice ring to it lol (_~)
Coffee.With.Cinnamon chapter 1 . 12/9/2008
this is... this has... this nearly made me cry.

it's beautiful and I hate Lucas and I want to break things now because it's ugly and still beautiful, sad but makes me angry... ugh!

I know how hard it is to write BL fanfiction nowadays (I mean I've been struggling for weeks to get a dozen pages out, and it bugs me, but I have no idea what to do with it... UGH). Even so, this is a work of art. Please try to write more.

love you for writing this oneshot.
Angelgirl0910 chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
one of my favorite fic. definitely one of the best that I have read. i love how you managed to write something that i could see happening in the actual show. i especially love the ending with Lucas noticing the dress. it almost brought tears to my eyes. well done.
princetongirl chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
loved it update soon
FinallyPJ chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
Happy Birthday to all of us. You pretty much wrote what all of us have wanted to say to Lucas for the past three seasons. And for that, I thank you.
yaba chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
wow that was such a wonderful one shot. Totally inspired me! I think it's great how you used the fabric as an underlying theme and how lucas did notice that she wore the dress. this one shot reflects very well Brooke's selfless character and I like that you wrote about it from her point of view kind of. also glad lucas got his head out of his ass and came to see her, that's the one thing i can't believe the show didn't portray! Great writing as always :)

evergloweyes chapter 1 . 12/8/2008

Way to make me cry. I was absolutely bawling as soon as Lucas told her that he didn't love her and then really lost it when I realized that he didn't have the tattoo anymore. Peyton's a bitch. Hate her. She's ruined Brooke's life and now I'm bitter. Lovely job, though.

awhero chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
Chey honey, this was so painful for me! Everytime i read a story or comment about a LP wedding my heart breaks a little! Matbe it's because i can really see that happening. *sigh*

That's what i like about your story too. i really could see this happening. This is what should have happened. And the dialogue especially the one between BL when there were fighting brought up things that they really should/can say to each other. I loved how Lucas told her that she judges him as the boy he used to be. That's just spot on!

I've missed you and your stories. Gonna read some of your older ones that i love!

Take care honey!
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