Reviews for This Weakness In Me
ApocalypseGabriel chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
The thought of Rorschach sleeping in Dan's bed made me very, very happy
Adi Sagestar chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
I just want to go up to Dan and give him a big hug. Poor guy! Rorschach really is one messed up mind.

Akito Souma chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
I loved this! It was so beautiful! You captured the essence of both their characters so perfectly, and the story itself was so heart-wrenchingly sad, as well as true to the events that took place in the graphic novel. I really appreciate this. It's rare to see fanfiction this good in this fandom. In fact, it's more than good. It's brilliant! :)
lovecrumbs chapter 1 . 3/1/2009

Beautifully written and expertly canon. Fantastic job!
queencrown chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
o that was quite interesting!
Fairady chapter 1 . 12/11/2008
I get what you mean about the heresy of fanfic and Watchmen. I usually wince when I stumble across the rare fic out there, but end up reading it anyway. Most of the time I would have been better off going with my first instinct, but not in this case. This is very gritty and dark and just fits in well with the overall story. I loved reading this. Thanks for posting it.
teethlikedog chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
Really nice piece - I'm glad you risked heresy to write it! The violence is visceral and real; the whole scene has a feeling of grime and horror to it that comes across through Dan's perspective. His distress at what Rorschach has become is made all the more effective by his lingering hope for redemption. I particularly like the idea that he knows exactly what broke Rorschach; Rorschach's not the sort to open up, but Dan's a smart guy, I don't doubt he'd want to find out what had happened.

My favourite part:

"Doesn't bother to wipe his face clean, probably doesn't even know the blood is there.

Not as if it's skin.

Not like it's his face."

Filthy and desperate and wonderful. I'll look forward to any more you write for this canon.
Northwest Sage chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
I've been wondering if I should purchase the Watchmen trade... this little gem has helped me make up my mind. Intense.