Reviews for Change
Carmilla Le Fanu chapter 1 . 1/29/2012
Hi!. Sorry for my horrible english, I'm Spanish.

I see you have a fanfiction community on "Rosemary's Baby." It is one of my favorite books.

I'm very bad writer, but I'd like to read a fanfic as "Rosemary's Baby"!.

Preferably if it's romantic ...

I hate the second book: "Son of Rosemary", should never have existed.

But I would love to read a fic where Andy had grown and redeemed by love!. You know, a Andy-in-love-story.

You will write a fic about "Rosemary's Baby"?
alixcat485 chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
ohhhh. creepy. i like it. ha! i'd love to watch someone die as slowly as... as... i lost my train of thought oh well. bye!
Replica Velocity a.k.a. X5 714 chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Interesting start.
Nightcrawlerlover chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
Brilliant! Neat suspense at the end. Keep up your awesome writing; I want to see what happens next!
Wandering Spirits chapter 1 . 12/20/2008
This was interesting. I hope you continue.