Reviews for Luffy the Genius
Shaeril McBrown chapter 1 . 10/4/2019
I want the old Luffy back!
MetalBatt chapter 1 . 5/8/2019
Damn, one of the things I figured when I starting reading this was that Luffy would make some calculations around his gear second and how it's affecting his body. Man... This shit is fucked up...
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
i’M CrYInG
dang chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
u got way too many stories.
caro chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
aww de alguna manera es algo melancólico y deprimente,es como si se perdiera en el yo ,me encanto y creo que es justamente el proceso de su pensamiento lo que lo hace incomprendido XD
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2017
On the one hand, I feel like you're overstating simple mindedness into outright stupidity verging on retardation. On the other hand, the result is too well written for me to give a damn.
Gekarim chapter 1 . 2/9/2017
This was brilliant, I like how the mood settles somewhere between lingering loss and nakamaship hurt/comfort by the end. It reminded me of Flowers for Algernon, with how it reverts in the end. But damn, I'm hella curious what Luffy could've figured out aout D and his limit to using Gears.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 11/19/2016
this is so bittersweet.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
Oh my...This was better than what I expected.
I gotta say, were you influenced by Flowers for Alergon ?
It is a wonderful interpretation, I must admit.
Everlight18 chapter 1 . 7/17/2016
All I could think at the beginning was that I wanted the "old Luffy" back, but now... This is so bittersweet. He's so curious and the fact that he was able, for a while, to know and understand and now he can't and doesn't care anymore hurts a bit inside.

"His courage was neer a matter of being to dumb to fear the consequences." That line really got me. No matter how smart he was, Luffy would still do anything for his family. And now that he didn't remember or care they would have to as well. The thought of Luffy not being able to enjoy Usopp's stories or wanting to eat or be around Brook for fear of being put to sleep is really sad.

This entire story is very bittersweet. They get the "real Luffy" back, but at the same time they lose so much. And that Luffy can't even remember is perhaps the most bittersweet of all. He had no choice in whether he wanted to be that smart or to go back to the way he was before. And he was afraid of being stupid again. Man, now I want to go curl up in a corner and cry.

Great job! You've given a lot of thought into this and made me think as well. Normally I don't care for smart Luffy stories, but this... it's really good. Hope to read more of your One Piece stories!
RadioGlitch chapter 1 . 6/2/2016
Love it, especially the ending scene with Zoro. Thanks for writing!
BlindieMac chapter 1 . 3/9/2016
This was so terribly sad! But so wonderful!
Elil-Hrair-Rah chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
I'm going to be honest. I was expecting a lot from this story - all kinds of awful things. The promt already sounded.. meh. I really don't like when characters' personalities get too ooc just for the sake of the plot because that's what I was expecting. And then Luffy deducing the code to the door lock BBC-Sherlock-style was almost making me back out. But I was bored, so I gave it a fair chance..

I was expecting a lot from this story.. but what I got was something completely different!

Your way with words pulled me in before I even knew what happened. It was so easy to actually picture the story and the characters in my head while reading it - and I loved how you included and portrayed every single one of them. Their respective points of view tore me in all kinds of directions that eventually, I felt so sorry for all of them.

It's such a bittersweet story - the crew fearing that they'll lose what they learned to love and Luffy doubting himself that maybe he wasn't enough after all.

But the one thing that left me reeling was the echo of Luffy's words "This is the amount I can afford to use Gear Second in my lifetime!" because ever since Rob Lucci mentioned that Luffy "hacks away his life" by using that technique, I was afraid for him that one day, it'll all come back to hit him in the face. Sure it's One Piece and I believe he'll find a solution, but still. It haunts me. (If they already did address the issue, then I'm not aware of it. I just recently finished the Summit War arc.)

Thank you for writing this story! It gave me all the right (and sad) feels and I can definitely say that it easily became one of my all-time-favs! It makes me kind of ashamed with how prejudiced I first was.
Wordlet chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
I wish there could be a happy medium, where Luffy acted like Luffy but had some semblance of comprehension on the social scale. higher IQ is often blamed for anti-sociability, Luffy was too smart to be interact like he used to. If he could retain his innocence and his motor capabilities but lose, say, half of his mental capacity granted by the machine, that would be nice, win win for everyone you know. I'm forced to try and come up with what could have happened because what did happen is tearing me up. Thanks for a great read even though it was really sad
authenticaussie chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
I'm g oi ng to CRY
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