Reviews for Hope
NCRRangerGhoul chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
Nice vocab! You take honors english in highschool? If so Im going into honors english II what can I excpect, if you dont mind of course.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
Wow. This is amazingly well-written, and your grammar and spelling are impeccable. Poor Gob. Poor, poor Gob. This story is unapologetically realistic. It's heartbreakingly realistic and true to the nature and theme of the Fallout universe as well as the universal laws of human nature and the real world as well. Damn you. Bless you. It took guts to write this. No offense to the folks who write fluff and draw adorable cartoon ghouls (I count myself among their number) to ease the misery that spills from them to us, to try to create some situation that's better but unrealistic. This story reminds me of a short story titled "A small, good thing" (I want to say Flannery O'Connor but I can't be sure). I don't have room to give a synopsis here, but what I'm saying is that story is literature canon and this one is in that vein and just as good. I didn't think I'd ever see the word 'rheumy' used in a fanfic, let alone used properly. If I thought my heart was broken for Gob before I read this, it has now been crushed and thoroughly ground into the dust under the boot heel of "yes, that is EXACTLY how it would transpire." This is singularly the best piece of fan fiction I have ever read and I am not kidding when I say I am probably going to cry myself to sleep tonight. Thank you.
Alice chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
This is so beautifully written. I just finished my first chapter to my first story about fallout and I might go erase it all and try again after seeing how incredible it can be. I would gladly read an entire book by you. The way you write emotions is entirely disarming. Thanks for sharing this story.
Lynn chapter 1 . 8/18/2014
My eyes watered here! I hope you do more!
ChocoChipBiscuit chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
I really liked how you displayed the humanity of all the characters, more than just the bare-bones characterization and dialogue from the game itself. I also (somewhat surprisingly) liked how you illustrated the Lone Wanderer's change from sheltered Vaultie to 'daring' adventurer, keeping her as heroic as possible within the very grimy Fallout setting.
dogmeathasdied chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
First: I have read several of your fanfics and I love them all. You've got a great feel for making characters who are unique, distinguishable, and utterly interesting. They have their own voices, their own personalities.

Second: You made a fanfic of my two favorite characters! Excuse me while I dance around in glee! I have to say that, when I first saw FO3 being played by my husband, he walked into Moriarty's saloon and started talking to everyone. I instantly wanted to know more about Nova and Gob (seems a strange thing to focus on in a post-apocalyptic playground of a game, but I digress...) As soon as I was able to play for myself I hung around Megaton all the time trying to get the scoop on them and hoped that quests would reveal more information. I had already been liking the game, but the fact that the developers had taken the time to put in these little gems of backstories and pepper them with little hints of relationships between NPCs drove my respect up to a whole new level.

That being said, I really wanted someone to write their story. When I think about all possible outcomes for these two characters your story here fits. It's hard to say from just snippets of in-game dialogue just who these characters are, but you've made them into real characters who I totally believe in the Wasteland. I like how Gob is still insecure at heart, though underneath is a seething resentment at himself and his situation. I think that gets lost a lot of the time, especially in my own writing. It would be easy to make him too passive (for no other reason than that he can feel passive in the game...making him that way wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but there needs to be a reason). As for Nova, I like that she has a hardness to her, a stubbornness that she seems unwilling to examine and so just shrugs her shoulders and says "eh, that's life." It makes you want to hate her, but at the same time you can't.

Please keep up the great work!
shabbacabba chapter 1 . 11/29/2012
I really liked your Lone Wanderer. I remember popping so many chems in the early levels of the game, getting addicted so many times just so I could struggle through one more quest and bring back some thing for my collection of unique things. You portrayed that perfectly. Makes me wonder how she'll get to the point where she doesnt need the chems any more, when she becomes a true legend of the wastes. I'd gladly read that story. Anyway, have a good one.

Kederok chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
Such a heart rending story, thank you.
Jake chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
Very deep for something that only takes up a few secs. in the game I have to say.
BeGodlyBeLynn chapter 1 . 5/17/2010
that was great! bon travaille, this could be published! keep it coming!
waiting4morning chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
You bring such life to these characters. I almost want to abandon Mass Effect 2 right now and pick up Fallout again. Poor Gob. I was always disappointed that you couldn't tell him about his "mother" in Underworld.
Anonymous Reader chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
I like the flow of dialouge and the description of emoton i could see the facial expressions and actions of the characyers soo... Kudos!-Anonymous
MayDayGirl-Save-Our-Ships chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
okay the ending made me cry! Poor Gob, i love him... even though i blew him up. but reading this kinda makes me feel guilty i did lol. I love the comparison between the three of them and Herbert ‘Daring’ Dashwood and company, that just made me laugh. Yeah Gob would have a really hard time crossing the wasteland, even if they did have Charon to help out. He would be too big of a liability. Kinda like Butch in your other fic. Besides he’s such a sweet guy, you don't want the wastes to knock that out of him.

You have no idea how happy I am that you’re writing more fallout fics! Ever since I've read your version of Charon and his relationship with your LW, i have tried to read other people's fics. Some of them are good, don't get me wrong, but i always seem to compare them to yours, especially the way Charon acts. By far, your fallout fic have been my favorite. I’d probably read any fallout fic you wrote, regardless of which characters you use. Though Samantha and Charon are my favorite (with Gob starting to sneak in there as well).
GhoulTastic chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
this is really good. i like how the Wastelander isn't the centerpiece. its Gob and Nova who take center stage. 6/5
Ersatz chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
I'm so glad I found this, mainly because it's the best Fall Out fic I've read - hurrah!

Oh, Gob. I love how you presented him here; damaged, obviously more than just physically, but still clinging to hope.

Adored the little touches too, like noting how the LW's pallor would be so unnatural to non-vault folk, and that her appearance has become tainted as her conscience.

Overall, a big thumbs up from me.
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