Reviews for Anya's Dream Date?
sheshe21 chapter 10 . 10/9/2007
Claps hands! Good job! Yes the ending was not a big bang,but hey! Still a decent one! Loved this story!
sheshe21 chapter 5 . 10/9/2007
Okay, realy loving this story! Especially getting back at Snake! Well, I'll wait till the last chapter to tell you my conclusion on this cool story! Toodles
sheshe21 chapter 3 . 10/9/2007
Yes! I liked the kicking snake in the gut part! He was acting a bit of a jerk, but as a fangirl, I still am a Snake fan! Hey, can't help it! Go snake! Okay, just wanted to say good job!
sheshe21 chapter 2 . 10/9/2007
Ops! Sorry, I was so wanting to review how awesome that chapter was that I didb't noticed that you finished. Heh. Heh. Sorry! So great job on this chapter! On to th next!
sheshe21 chapter 1 . 10/9/2007
I loved it! I'm a snake fan girl myself! Please continue! And at least kick Snake back for kicking her! Gr! Hehe! Well, that's all!
IcEKoLd chapter 10 . 9/22/2005
What about those evil looking dudes playing half-life and using nanotechs? I bet they'd be a good sequel nemesis. _
John Damen chapter 1 . 10/1/2002
Interesting to say the least. I'm glad your getting better reviews than I am. All people can do is flame me. I liked your story and wouldn't mind reading the squeal if you decide to wright it.

'Till Next Time

~John Damen
Aya chapter 10 . 7/22/2002
*squeals* I loved this! make another!
Jedi Ari chapter 10 . 2/18/2002

After THAT lovely review...O_o Its a good thing I read your profile, or else...well, let's just say writing is a great retaliation tool. :-p I knew I'd get a bad one sometime soon. Do you go through every single story and do that? Just curious.

BTW: what don't you like about it? Because if you can't list that, then, well, what you just did IS a flame. Anyway.
YodaOreKay chapter 10 . 2/17/2002
Your story is strange and peculiar to me. I do not like your story, but it seems to have some construction to it... Never mind your story can be covered in one word...crap. I'm not trying to flame you. I'm just trying to type what I think about your story as nice as possible. Some people might like your story... not me though reading this almost made me vomit. I certainly hope you do not make a sequel. Wait, just make one for the people that do like your story. I'll just not read the sequel.
womprat208 chapter 10 . 2/9/2002
Good fic. Though it was kinda an abrupt ending... Oh well, good anyway. :)
Jedi Ari chapter 5 . 2/9/2002
To answer your question: because I like Half-Life. _~

Thanks for your support, y'all! I really appreciate it, especially when I got stuck mid-story! _
Adarian Dreamer chapter 1 . 2/9/2002
I like it. It was well written, and a good idea for a story. But why would Snake play Half-Life when he could play Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors?
plink chapter 10 . 2/9/2002
hehe I think you should have a sequel.

Well, you've inspired me to write some fluff fan girl stuff. Oh dear. This can't be good.

Please write more...- (I can be Liquids replacement)
mgs otaku chapter 10 . 2/7/2002
SNICKERS: Hello people. [waves] I took it upon myself to do a cheesy voice over that explaines the heartfelt moral of this Metal Gear Story. _ [Peace sign] Heregoes. *ahem* [looks glassy eyed at audience] Who's to say what is real and what is not? Who is to say that a life lived as a character in a video game is anyless valid and importaint than one from the "real world" ... so what if he cause you fought for in the Video Game turned out to be been bunk in the end? Is that really the point? Or is the point to learn to live the life you have the best way you know how? The game is over now... So hit continue, and move on with your new life. You're real one. And LIVE, Snake. Not as a soldier or a pixilated image of distruction... but as a human. A human in need of a life, love, and he persuit of happyness! [Breaks moment] How was that? _V
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