Reviews for A Musical Nightmare
aniseed flower chapter 3 . 1/3/2017
Love your name! It made me laugh out loud! Thank you for writing and sharing this with us. Ive really enjoyed it. Bit sad there isnt any more but oh well. It was good while it lasted, as they say. Lol.
violist chapter 3 . 11/28/2014
I've played the viola for 3 years and started playing the french horn in september.
Brackenfern chapter 3 . 2/13/2014
My band is sadly lacking. We have 3 percussionists, 2 trombones, 1 tenor sax, 6 clarinets, we actually 'borrow' 2 flute players from the intermediate band, 5-6 alto saxes, and 2-3 trumpets as well as 2 that we 'borrow'.
Synchro lover chapter 3 . 12/12/2011
Bandgeek2015 chapter 3 . 11/9/2011
hehehehehheheheheehehee playing notes in the 4th octive and geting yelled by seniors in band class is FUN :DDDDDDDDDDDDD And this story is a bit sexes, I mean come on the best floutist in the world is male, and we hav a guy in our flute section...but we also only have 5 peopl...1 just starting and only doin it cause her friend more like 4 who are actualy band geeks and enjoy it :D
Bandgeek2015 chapter 1 . 11/9/2011
Love it! I play flute 2 :D
Ash chapter 3 . 7/3/2011
Can't wait for next chapter
flitterbugzz chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
w8!...the boks r... movies? alll of them? thats so awsum! r u sure? o and luv ur fanfic! D
sama-chan chapter 3 . 4/4/2010
no offence, but wtf? it's good and funny and i have nothing against jack or yassen, but all in all i was happy when yassen died and i think jack should... does that make me bad? i don't like sabina either... her character's okay, but i don't see her and alex ever being bf/gf, ya know? srry if i'm talking in text format b/c i'm texting and 2 lazy to write this out normally... anywho... it's good please write more... oh! a long review! yay me! ugh i sounded preppy...
Unknown chapter 3 . 2/11/2010
Please, please, please update! You are not allowed to leave the readers hanging like this. I just found your story and really want to read the next chapter. Please, please, please update soon!

P.S. Do you live in Southern California? I think I might know you from school.
Marie Elaine Cullen chapter 3 . 12/29/2009
You haven't updated in forever! Alright, just in defense of male flute-players, there are equal boys and girls in the flute section in my school. :) I'm a trumpet player myself, though, so I am a lot more awesome than them... We trumpet players are amazing! :) Alright, never mind about our awesomeness (although we ARE awesome)! I really loved your addition of Yassen... Why is he here? and, what instrument does he specialize in? Please update soon!
hallowheart chapter 3 . 11/10/2009

Yassen a Music teacher :D
Harveste Starr chapter 3 . 10/25/2009
Ha! Cliffie! Update soon!
Animeluversrule chapter 3 . 8/23/2009
jonove1203 chapter 3 . 8/7/2009
Love it! BAND GEEKS WILL RULE THE WORLD! ALL WILL BOW DOWN TO MY ALL MIGHTY NOTE PLAYING! *teachers start crying and give me gifts* Ahemm . . . I play the clarinet. I understand where Alex comes from with his problems with playing the flute. My mom wanted me to play the flute like she did so I sat there for about half an hour trying to play it and . . . nothing. I'm just not ment to play the flute but, I'm first chair clarinet, can hold the longest note in my class, and can play the fatsest. Still the flute hates me. All who play the flute have mighty powers of awsomeness I will never comprehend. There was a guy who played the flute in my band class last year whoes parents actually came in and ranted to the teacher saying 'boys should not play flutes!' It was funny . . . Keep on writing:)
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