Reviews for Radio Daze
Shelsuo chapter 1 . 2/21/2013
Cutos to you for writing this Takin' Over the Asylum story!
I'm a major fan of the show and I was surprised and delighted to find an author who was interested as well.
While I am not much for romance, I liked your characterization of Campbell and also your writing style.
However, I would like to point out that the Perth mentioned in the show is Perth, Scotland.
I also don't believe that if sectioned, Campbell would be placed on Ward Three. ward Three is the continuing/perminant care ward, and Campbell clearly is not in a state that requires such attention.
Other that those two, great job!
Keep writing, Shelsuo
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
Just want to let you know there's a Perth in Scotland. I enjoyed this story.
RuthLeilani chapter 1 . 9/22/2010

I just watched the series and liked it, obviusly I have a thing for fanfiction (well, and DT), I think you can guess what search followed.

I am very happy that I found something and it is good. Thanks!

(I am a little at odds about your therapist though, he sucks and seems to be quite unreasonable, but than again the show had some disasterous examples. I mean I think I would make a better psychiatrist than that and I avoided actually studying for that class as best as I could, anyway it made for an interesting read)
shadowtheo chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
Aw! that was adorable! And very well written, I can picture the accent perfectly :D
Donna Tempus chapter 1 . 9/18/2009