Reviews for Shadow Proves the Sunshine
readerkp16 chapter 1 . 12/27/2016
BandBfan chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
this was really very good, you have some skillz, girl!

You so have Bren down with all her squint speak! and Booth too for that matter. Love that Bren is finally admitting some changes in her that a directly resulting from Booth's influence.

thanks for a wonderful story,

lrigD chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
Aww, this was so sweet and amazing and I love it!
Tanya chapter 1 . 5/4/2009
This story was great. I've been reading quite a few of these lately and most are a bit too fluffy for my taste, however this was something that would be conceivable in the realm of there characters. I enjoyed it alot, as I did the previous story of yours that I read with the pumpkin patch. Keep writing and I'll keep reading, I like keeping it within the realm of their characters, however a little bit of fluff now and then is appealing as well. Since, you know, the heat and vast amount of sexual tension and inuendo between the two characters is so strong, it really is hard not to immagine them together in the end, but I do think that the sexual tension and lingering looks is my favorite part of there relationship. I'm kinda hoping that if they ever get together in an actual relationship they save it for the movies like Scully and Mulder.


Thanks for keeping me well entertained with your stories, I look forward to reading more!

Tanya Mcnab
kbecks41319 chapter 1 . 3/28/2009
No, I am not stalking, but I do like your stories. :) They're really good. This was just great.
LeahElizabeth chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
I really liked this. It was extremely well written.
TemperTemper chapter 1 . 1/31/2009
This was utterly gorgeous! Your Brennan was so perfect here - well the both were. I adored the whole exchange at the end there. You're a great writer :)
KJFlygirl87 chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
Great job - really sweet and cute.
nonhalema chapter 1 . 12/27/2008
Took me a while to get Bones sentences, but after that was done...very good work
TheLifeILive chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
That was excellent!

I began celebrating Christmas November 1st and I've been in a holiday mood ever since. I loved this, the whole heartwarming Christmassy feel.

I love that family is such a major theme on the show, maybe because it is in my life, and I think you've captured that very well in this story: how much family has come to mean to both of them. I loved Brennan's explanation to Booth, her description of how it's thanks to him that she's so unhappy right now and how, strangely enough, that's a good thing.

So well written, as always. Thank you:)

Bec chapter 1 . 11/24/2008
Very good!
IsleofSkye chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
I really enjoyed this. Good work! I always enjoy your stuff
goldpiece chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
I liked that we have a contemplative holiday story as opposed to the usual fluffy fare you'd find by us other authors. I like what Brennan had to say and how she explained it, and it was nice to see their connection even if it was just a brief bit at the end.

celtic33 chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
that was very good
Lushka chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
yano what, i genuinely love the stuff you write. and i think i should probably say a big thank you to you for writing such great stuff:) it's made my day and hopefull the warm fussy sensation that i just got will continue till tomorrow when i have a very strange (stressful)day ahead.

also is it weird that i totally got all that three laws of logic bit. makes total sense. :D


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