Reviews for Seven Deadly Sins
cake0108 chapter 1 . 10/22/2015
Loved it!
November Ember chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
Awesome fic very descriptive and humorous! Very well written. Bravo!
Colonel H. Stinkmeaner chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
this story sucks and its also cliche. rethink it and try again.
the one who hums chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
This one was cute :) It's funny that the nice guy that everyone thought was asexual could turn out to be the Big Seven.
poka chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
That was awesome :D
Aaml4life chapter 1 . 9/30/2010
Very well written. I liked how you incorporated the 7 sins. Some a little too literally but still good. Enjoyed it
KAra chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
awesomely awesomes shit
ATFMJ2018 chapter 1 . 5/6/2010
Foxgloves chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Ash and Misty! :) How cute! 3 3 3
Flaaffy chapter 1 . 3/16/2009
This was adorable, and a rather long oneshot - but I like it. O

However, are you poochyenapuppy on deviantart? Because this exact story is on that account, and although they mentioned having a account, I'm just making sure it was you.
Manny-Elaine chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
This is awesome!
SuicidalToeSocks chapter 1 . 1/14/2009
I got like, halfway through this and had to stop, and then with me actually having somewhat of a life now for the next... four and a half months I believe, it was hard to find time to finish this, and I REALLY wanted to. So here I am, at two in the morning on a school night, finishing this up instead of doing my Spanish II homework.

bBut it's totally worth it. Everything's tied up and completed at the end, and it's not quite so fluffy but much better because of it. Fluff would kind of smother the whole 'lust' thing. It's VERY well written!

And, for the record, Gary's remark to Ash about Misty being a female and streaking through Pallet Town had me in stitches! I seriously laughed so hard I might have woken up my mom because of it.

I have to go read the sequel because of it, but only when I have time. So pretty much, no more tonight. Maybe the weekend if English doesn't load me down with work. And I do believe this merits a favorite, actually!

And with that note I'll end my long review and get some sleep!Maybe if I fall asleep quick, I'll still get three hours in...
Account Remove chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
Who knew you could take a title like Seven Deadly Sins and make it so fluffy? But you did. This is pretty interesting. A fish festival? Never would have thought of that. Misty waking him up is a riot. And the scene in the grocery store is too. But why did he have to go to mall jail? I've seen plenty of people take stuff off the shelves in a store and start eating it while they were shopping, mainly kids, and then pay for it when they got to the cash register. Not that I've ever done it, after I've seen so many people use the bathrooms and never wash their hands and then handle everything from buggies to cereal boxes. *shudder*

So Ash actually hurt Misty's feelings, don't see that very often.

I love Ash jealousy, love love love it. It is so adorable when he gets upset and pouts pathetically. :P

Gary, in turn, tried to make her feel better, telling her that yes, Ash was a moron, but he might catch on. The only way to get his attention would be to strip and run through the town naked (which Gary sincerely suggested) or just came right out to tell him. Ash probably liked her back, but was too stupid to figure it out, unless, of course, she did them all a favor and ran through the town butt naked. Which, once again, he really, really suggested.

This is exactly why I love Gary. XD

Wow, Ash got violent. oO It's almost kinda hard to imagine that. And still, if were me I wouldn't have forgiven him as easily. But that's me, not Misty. Misty can have her head bashed by Brock's fist and it be no big deal. Though I'm pretty sure she enjoyed every minute of pulling his ear after that stunt. And who does Ash think he is to claim Misty? Doesn't he know her better than that? :P

Detective Conan?

*fangirl squeal*

Um, never mind. ;

Their kiss was nice, no fluffy confession, and they had fish breath. What better way to end this? Besides the way you did.
ModernLeper chapter 1 . 1/1/2009
that was really cute ]
Owl Emporium chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
Wow, I LOVED THIS! This was great! Haha, I loved Misty's sarcasm...and Ash! Ahaha, he was pretty funny. Kind of a jerk, but hey, he WAS practicing the Deadly Seven. Haha. :D Great job! (:

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