Reviews for Medabots: A New Beginning
KrissyKat91 chapter 12 . 5/13/2014
Are you ever gonna update this? I wanna see what happens next!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/6/2012
I've got my own medabot but he's basically knucklebuster. I refer to him as a Dual-Type Medabot meaning He's got two set's of weapons built onto each part. One set is Rokusho's melee type parts while the flip side, the parts merely rotate 180 degrees, save for the head, and it utilyzes long ranged parts similiar to Metabee. Rather than the standard Revolver, his revolver is designed after Rise Greymon's revolver from Digimon Savers, the "Trident Revolver" which fires three simultaneous rounds or three rounds one after the other. Then there's his Sub-Atomic machinegun which is truly like Metabees, only it packs point five times more damage as well as Rokusho's Pipo Hammer. The guy's mostly silver like Rokusho, but has yellow highlights, and his optics are blue which matches the sphere in the center of his Medal. What make's my medabot more unique though is his medal which as I just said has a blue sphere instead of the normal green, also his medal is truly a wonder in of it-self. See the Medal is what I call a Universal Medal, it's exceedingly powerful, most Medabots if they have the potential can only unleash one type of Medaforce, for Metabee it's the Hyper Shot, while Rokusho's is the Spiral Bolt. The U.M. is able to use either of those both Medaforces.

I forgot two details the name of my Medabot which I'm torn between Metarok, and Rokabee, I'm thinking of sticking to the first and adding a 'c' to it. As for the Head it's tri-horn meaning it has both Rokusho's Antenna and Metabee's head part as well.
david.teague.3950 chapter 2 . 11/6/2012
I think realism makes for a better story personally.
david.teague.3950 chapter 1 . 11/6/2012
Nice, I'm gonna laugh if Rokusho ends up being Kenro's Medabot.
jozs001 chapter 12 . 12/30/2010
inaly a good Rokusho fic! He is y fa he deserves a companion he can care about.
Dw959 chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
Could it be? could it be...? Yes! an update! I have waited so long for any nice fic for medabots to be freaking updated and now it is! THANK YOU!

Please update soon. I beg of you!
Hemocidal chapter 12 . 12/28/2010
Well this certainly was a welcome little surprise in my inbox! I must admit that I was almost beginning to worry. Almost. But heck, another excellent chapter, and aside from the odd grammatical error, there's really no critique I can give. Thumbs up and best of luck with future chapters and life in general.
Nobody chapter 11 . 11/13/2010
Nice fanfic hope you start updating again really nice
Ry chapter 11 . 6/24/2010
Excellent story so far, you've really captured the excitement o medabots.

Only thing I could say is I'd like to see a little more customisation in the medabots, tweaking and such to counter what I'm sure are improving opponents.

Also, some spelling and grammatical errors were fairly apparent in the last few chapters but didn't detract from the story so kudos :D

Good luck, and I'm excited for more.
Kosaten no Kokinatsuyosa chapter 3 . 6/9/2010
Great fic so far! Not only is Rokusho my favorite Medabot, but I was worried that this fandom was dead.
Storylover213 chapter 11 . 3/20/2010
make more soon
Mavrik Zero chapter 11 . 1/26/2010
great story you have here hope u update soon,
Raidentensho chapter 11 . 1/7/2010
this is pretty good. for my own meda-characters here they are,

kuro tenzo

position: medafighter

age: 16

gender: male

hair: spiky and red

eyes: chocolate brown

height: 5'7

build: medium

skin color: light tan

personality: a flirt for girls, yet serious when robattling/competing. good natured as well.


name: warhero

type:KLN(same as warbandit, but blue at the orange parts and white at the yellow pieces).

personality: zen master in battle, with a joker attitude outside.

can't wait for more. until then, ja!
Hemocidal chapter 11 . 1/1/2010
Greetings, I once again compliment you on another chapter well done. I will remain a loyal reader until this tale concludes, you have my word! But alas, important matters come before the fun ones indeed, and I can only wish you best of luck in college.

As for criticism (strictly business of course :P), I'd suggest a proofreader, as I couldn't help but notice a few errors that easily slip through one's spellchecker.

Cheerio mate!
Lacerta Caliginis chapter 11 . 12/27/2009
Great chapter, as it always has been with you. School is such a bummer when it comes time for the better things in life, isn't it? As always, I will be looking for any and all new chapters from you, no matter how long it takes for you to post it because let's face it, life happens. _
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