Reviews for You Can Never Go Back
embarrassment420 chapter 27 . 7/14/2013
That story was really great! The characterization seemed very accurate, a lot of fics make Kyle really feminine and Kyle immediately realizes "oh hey I'm gay wait I love stan omg omg omg" but this story was paced really well.

Nice job!
BubbleG00se chapter 27 . 10/25/2012
Ahhh what a sweet ending. One of the reasons i wanted the re-read this story was because i kind of forgot the ending! :S But now it all came back to me as i read it.

Great story I'll probably read Breathe me and Brace Yourself again, as they are awesome too. Although i do remember the endings to those ones ;)

BubbleG00se chapter 20 . 10/25/2012
Damn this story is good.

All i have to say :)
BubbleG00se chapter 7 . 10/24/2012
Damn i love this story! I knew after reading it the first time I'd read it again, also even though i completely remember everything that is and is going to happen, i still feel the suspense and surprise when I'm reading it.

Great. Great, great, great story. ;)
BubbleG00se chapter 3 . 10/24/2012
Okay I've read this story before, but i just realized that i didn't review it at all when i read it! :O
So even though this is an old and long finished fanfic, i believe it only fair that i review a chapter occasionally even though i have already read it.

Maybe I'll review four more times and up the review total to 200 :)

Anyway i remembered how much i enjoyed this story and came back to re-read it.

Azul Blue chapter 27 . 10/6/2011
I just marathoned this, and it was awesome. I loved your characterisation of Kyle and Kenny especially. I'm late to the South Park fandom party but this is one of my favourites so far. It would have been great to get Wendy's perspective on the whole thing, but of course its 1st person so it makes sense that's she's marginalised. Really great characterisation, flow and dialogue. Big fan!
fjakjsh chapter 27 . 11/9/2010

I was creeping on someone else's favorite authors list, because, well, it's hard to wade through the crap on here, right? So, I went to the first South Park fic on your profile, which was, in fact, this one. Yesterday, I read the first several chapters. I would've read more too, if it weren't for my meddling mother...

Today, at school, I was pretty much stressing out over this story, then I came home, and read the rest and so.


Not only for writing a decent fic, but for writing a fantastic fic, even though it was like a year ago and I'm slow on the uptake. I'm absolutely and utterly new to South Park in general, which I know is shocking and wrong, but it's taken me by such a storm it hurts. And you are now a prominent component in that stormy hurtness.

I didn't even think I liked style!

Honestly, I didn't even think I liked Stan, haha. But, you have changed this all for me.

I realize you have 10 more South Park fics (yes, I counted, just now), which I will proceed from here to read, but I felt like I should review on your first one, because um, I don't know actually, I'm kind of dim.

I just realized that I didn't actually say anything constructive here. I'm such a retard.

Alright, Cartman: didn't really like him, maybe because I don't like Cartman, especially as he has no depth xD. But I totally get and approve his whole fudge-packing deal (hey, now, that's offensive to fudge-packers) but I stiilll love him.

Kenny: Holy god, spot on. Spot fucking on. He honestly made me cry, and I was so heartbroken by how he was treated I nearly got mad at you, but then I realized he only existed due to your imagination, and I guess Matt and Trey's, so...gah.

Staaaaan: At first, I was horrified, honestly, by how you portrayed him as a whore-y little hottie. Then, after you explained it a bit, I was still horrified. Gradually, the horror factor went down from a 10 to around 4, but well, it was still present. I can't help but to be very proud of the way you explained it, even though I had absolutely no reason to be proud of it, because i didn't have anything to do wit-

Wendy: On a similar note, I was still appalled at what Stan did to Wendy. Even though she made Kyle drop the pasta. And well, gah, I kind of feel like you put a bitch move on her by making her cheat with Clyde, especially when she had been so perfectly kind the rest of the story. I do like, however, how she wasn't a bitch, because life can suck like that. In the way that she wasn't a bitch, I mean, because Kyle had to essentially break them up and that was ki-

Bebe&Butters: Bah. Weird. xD But appreciated all the time.

Craig: I quite liked his bar, and his fight, and his backroom thing with Stan. It's true the point you made, that the everyone else has conflicts too, not just cute little Kyle.

Token: I adored the alleyway talk with Kyle. And him remaining in his stoic character.

Clyde: Wait, Clyde was in this? :I

Marshes: IVE ALWAYS TRIED TO FORMULATE IN MY MIND EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS HIS PARENTS DID TO HIM, and you did it! They're good parents, kind of, well, Sharon is, but somehow, I knew Stan would end up screwed up. God, you're good.

Broflovskis: Sheila I was particularly impressed with, because Kyle was so good at, well. You wrote it. I'm so stupid. Ike somehow was still tiny in my mind, and his little flapping head talking about his girlfriend made me giggle. What? Huh, you didn't really mention Mr Broflovski at all, dude. What the hell, man.

Red: Is an exotic dancer. I wonder what Skeeter thinks about all of this. Bahah.

Uhm, I'm scrabbling for characters here.

Mr Garrison!: Made me sad. Old, bitter man, no Big Gay Al to hold on to.

KYLE: (I didn't forget about him, I'm stupid, but not that stupid) Kyle was..spectacular. It was very very very believable for him to be how you described it, and I felt a rush of understanding when he talked about how much he had fucked up, even though I am fifteen, stupid, and fully without life experiences, because I am absolutely certain this will be me in uh...eight years. Minus the being gay, a man, totally hot, and a brilliant drop-out. And growing up in South Park-fuck it, I guess I just wish I were that cool, you know? The fact that his friends both loved him (I don't count Cartman, haha) made me all confused and angry on his behalf. It kind of warmed my heart how he had his freak-outs, denials, and generally pissiness, because a lot of people on this site have trouble making Kyle into..Kyle. YOU, however, did this perfectly, and while I would quite have liked him to end up with Kenny (I can't help it, I like Kenny more than Stan)

CRITICISM FUN TIIME: you freaking kept calling people other people's names, which pissed me off. Hmm...tiny tiny spelling, but uhm, my standards have been lowered by this site. Well, okay, so when Kyle has these whole "epiphany" moments about how he's gay, or how he actually loves Stan-I feel as though he totally already knew. Then again. I am not Kyle, so I have no right. Soo. Basically. I'm finding faults in nothing, because this story is goddamn fucking perfect. Oh wait, yeah, you kept apologizing for swearing and I was like...This is South Park here, buddays. If anything, you needed more.

I don't know...I guess I'm just saying that you made me last another night of not totally bemoaning my sad, pitiful teenage life.

Which is why I am leaving you a long-ass, retardly verbose review. Also, I'm the sort of capricious bitch who will get excited when they see someone else uses the phrase "capricious bitch" and gets engrossed in their story.

But yes.


I'll go read the rest of your stories now.
Marina yano chapter 27 . 6/13/2010
I swear great story
Marina Yano chapter 9 . 6/12/2010
Can u like kick your (ex-boyfriend or boyfriend) in the balls for breaking up with you or attempting to. I dont even care how long ago that was. Just make sure when(if) he gets married he has to explain to his wife why he cant have kids.
Marina Yano chapter 5 . 6/12/2010
I think this is my first time reviewing for this fic... Its really good. I am sort of at a loss of words becaus I need to sleep, but yes great story so far.
Marina Yano chapter 4 . 6/12/2010
Numbuh 00 chapter 22 . 9/27/2009
That was awesome! :D I've spent my weekend reading this story, instead of doing my homework. xP But it's really addictive, you can't stop 'till you finish the last chapter.

I also wanted to say that this one thing Kyle said (or thought, actually) describes me so well: "Taking life one step at a time without thinking of the future. That’s me. That’s what I do."

I hate thinking about the future.
Miki chapter 27 . 8/5/2009
So it took me around an entire day to completely read this entire thing through (mostly because I have a tendency to bounce around to like 5 different things at a time) and I have to say that I'm pretty satisfied in reading this! Good story, nice plot, and pretty well-written. There were some times that I really felt like punching Kyle or Stan or both until they stopped pussy-footing around just kiss already!

Thank you for writing this! d(v)
yayme2012 chapter 27 . 8/3/2009
Love it. And you.
wheresmyorangehoodie chapter 27 . 7/27/2009
I loved this story! So much did I love it! I'm very very happy that it ended happy. *sigh* ya gotta love a happy ending. Thank you for writing this and actually finishing!
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