Reviews for Payment In Kind
singmetothesun chapter 26 . 7/31/2018
Best. Ending. Chapter. Ever!
singmetothesun chapter 25 . 7/31/2018
Okay so you DIDN’T hit Sarah Jane with a train, my bad! :D Gotta love Momma Tracy helping out like that. I’ve enjoyed this story so much!
singmetothesun chapter 24 . 7/31/2018
DID YOU JUST RUN OVER SARAH JANE WITH A TRAIN?! That Bucky Bimbette line had me crying with laughter on my way home from work and I got some right strange looks from passers-by - WORTH IT! Honestly love this Sarah and Dean team! And freaking Bobby, I forgot how much I missed the guy...
singmetothesun chapter 18 . 7/31/2018
Dean and Sarah is a team-up I never knew I wanted - this is glorious!
singmetothesun chapter 15 . 7/30/2018
What an adorable chapter! Well, until you started whumping but I’m not complaining at that either because it’s what you do best! So, it’s The Hood after Alan, huh? I should have thought about that one but you had me so focused on Westcott and Mitchell, you sly thing. I loved the little comparison between Scott and Dean!
singmetothesun chapter 5 . 7/30/2018
That Clarence reference had me dying! Meg also calls Castiel that down the line and to have it from Dean too just freaking broke me! XD
singmetothesun chapter 4 . 7/30/2018
Only Dean would actively voice a comment about Virgil’s name, I LOVE IT! The characters of Sam and Dean are spot on and I’m laughing so hard at all the little quips! This story is my new favourite thing :D
singmetothesun chapter 1 . 7/30/2018
Holy heck I love this so much already! You’ve taken my two favourite things and made them play with each other and I can’t wait to see what happens next. So, did Scott and Kate set out to recruit them for IR purposes? I’m very intrigued! I’ve read your Tracy Family series several times and was over the moon to see this crossover amongst your stories! :D
Tracytron 54321 chapter 24 . 5/24/2017
Hey wait a second where's Mullion in this story? Was he sentenced to death and creamated like the hood, still in jail or what?
Tracytron 54321 chapter 21 . 5/24/2017
Cheryl sounds like a complete fucking asshole. Oh and now I get it; you chose to name the room '321' because of the countdown and Alan piloting Thunderbird 3. Ah clever. I would have just come up with something random like 264 or something. I never even gave it the slightest thought lol.
Tracytron 54321 chapter 20 . 5/23/2017
Sarah wouldn't be operative 7 it would be like this by when they joined so; Scott 1, John 2, Virgil 3, Gordon 4, Jeff 6 (as he would have reserved that for himself seeing as- well you get what I mean) Alan 5, Brains 7, Fermat 8 and Tin-Tin 9 so depending which wife/girlfriend made the decision to actually join IR first and such she would be 10, 11, 12 or 13 depending on whether Gordon's girlfreind even knows about it yet but Sarah probably wouldn't be 13 lol. Just a hunch ;D
Tracytron 54321 chapter 19 . 5/23/2017
s/11972392/1/One-Disastrous-Day And to back up your point that Alan is always picked on by FF writers this one story is houndreds of times crueller to the him than I could imagine even possible so in future I would suggest them to turn their complaints to him lmao XD (seriously though one particular scene in that story just left a forever disturbing picture in my head... gah... you'll know it when you see it. In case your apparently dumb which I doubt you are with being able to make such great story's (:P) an extra hint is that it has to do with Alan... don't say I didn't warn you...)
Tracytron 54321 chapter 14 . 5/23/2017
At the part where Alan mentions Onaha being a great cook you should probably update this so Alan also adds in "a complete opposite to my own grandmother. Her cookies taste like a foot." as a nod to the new 2015 live set CGI characters and vehicles series lol. And I'm not even joking Alan LITERALLY says that her cookies taste like a foot in one episode LMFAO and it's mentioned on more than one occasion too LMAO
Tracytron 54321 chapter 12 . 5/23/2017
I'd have to COMPLETELY agree with you there about what humanity is turning into. Seriously have you seen how dumb some YouTubers are? I mean for crying out fucking loud I am really get sick of humanity lmao I mean not to say I haven't been an idiot from time to time but a few like DanTDM, PrestonPlayz, ORYG1N (he's not anywhere near as dumb as Preston and Daniel though lmao just watch Dan's video on Hypixel Cops N Crims he is just so f-ing retarded in that video. And the fact that humanity is denying the existence of aliens is so dumb. The statistics suggest they're real, there is thousands of pieces of evidence, it is f-ing ridiculous how practically noone believes in them. If you watch the YT channel SecureTeam10 he can fill you in on A TON of stuff he uploads usually at least once a day and only half the time two but it's not rare and I mean AT ALL to go without a video from him for a solid 24 hours but you certainly won't catch him going 48 hours without uploading anything.
Tracytron 54321 chapter 7 . 5/23/2017
My honest reaction to the two cars being thunderbirds was LITERALLY 'Of course *goes off chuckling for a full 5 seconds* of course they were thunderbirds' lmao
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