Reviews for It's ok
Slshadowfox chapter 1 . 11/2/2008
I think Riley and Greg are cute together but I would really like to see Nick find someone. I mean Cath was Warrick's so I don't think she will be ready for a new guy anytime soon.
Ino Aole chapter 1 . 11/1/2008
FaceWithTheView chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
I really liked this. I didn't want the episode to end like that, but it was good with her voice fading out over the credits. I wanted a scene with Greg and Riley talking about what had happened and you gave it to me! I hope there's mention of it tonight! I can't wait. I think they'd be cute together. XD
happyharper13 chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
I like the idea of this a lot. The development of the story is well done.

You did an especially good job of noting the subtleties in characters' emotions. The situation overall feels very believable, even though Riley is doing something which she herself labels out-of-character. Great job!

I really like the idea, and I LOVE that you made it a story about Greg and Riley. I'm very very psyched to finally see the first GregRiley story, even if it's friendship rather than romance. Congrats on writing the first story on FFnet for a ship that, no doubt (fingers crossed), will soon be growing rapidly in fans.

However, you really need to proofread before posting stories in the future. You have a lot of issues with typos, grammar and punctuation.

A few more specific things to keep in mind:

-When you need to separate thoughts and phrases within a sentence, use commas. Do not, however, use commas to separate two independent clauses. If two parts in a sentence can stand apart (independent) as separate sentences, then they should not be linked with only a comma. You can link them with a comma if you add other words ('and,' 'but,' 'although,' 'though,' 'since,' 'because,' etc.) or you can leave out the comma and use a semi-colon by itself.

For example,

"She didn’t understand what was happening to her but she suddenly felt the necessity to cry, she just couldn’t understand why she wasn’t in control of her body."

The two separate phrases, each starting with 'she,' each have their own subject and verb, and should be treated as separate sentences, unless you choose to join them. You can't just link them with a comma.


"She didn’t understand what was happening to her but she suddenly felt the necessity to CRY. SHE just couldn’t understand why she wasn’t in control of her body."

"She didn’t understand what was happening to her but she suddenly felt the necessity to CRY; SHE just couldn’t understand why she wasn’t in control of her body."

-Don't just rely on spellcheck to tell you when a word is misspelled. A lot of people do that and a result is ending up with an 'a' or 'and' instead of 'an,' a mistake which can screw over the entire sentence.

Example: "He was and stranger to her well relatively but she felt secure with him."

Don't confuse adverbs and adjectives:

"Greg said in a cheerfully tone" should be "Greg said in a cheerful tone." Cheerful is modifying 'tone,' a noun, not 'said,' the verb; hence, cheerful should be an adjective not an adverb.

Overall, I'd recommend getting a beta for your fics. Betas are really helpful, no matter how much proofreading you do, and have a significant diversity of methods. There are a lot of really intense betas, but many who will just make all edits directly into your writing, so that you don't need to do any more work after it's been betaed. I'd be happy to help you with betaing CSI fics in the future.

I look forward to reading more CSI fics from you! You clearly have a lot of potential!
knadineg chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
I could see that scene happening. I wasn't sure about her until that scene where they saved the little boy, but I think she'll be cool. I definitely could see a strong friendship, but nothing more between them.