Reviews for Jealousy
LuckyGravity chapter 34 . 4/29
ASDFGHJKL AS ALWAYS I LOVE YOUR FANFICS Also I just noticed that you also included Webber here XD I was a bit surprised 'cus I knew him from your other story which is "Friend or Flame" (One of my fave lawlight fanfics btwT-T). Also, I was never against the Bible and God you put here in the story. In fact, I was amused and entertained. I think you're the very first author and the first fanfic I've read that mentions AND used it here as a weapon in a story. I'm somewhat religious too, because of my parents, maybe that's the reason I was never against it.
Guest chapter 34 . 11/29/2019
One word. Awesome!
Guest chapter 25 . 11/29/2019
...this fanfic...I can’t describe it. ITS AMAZING
kirasmatic chapter 34 . 3/7/2016
This story was absolutely amazing. I binged the whole series in less than a week, and I was blown away by it. Your portrayal of the characters was perfect, and every chapter had some riveting action in it. I think your usage of the bible only added to the greatness of this. As a person who has never been religious, I found the points you brought up about God's existence to be very valid, and I kind of feel like I believe in something now. Also, it was inspiring how you found the time to write through everything that happened in your life. You're great and so is your story. Thank you for writing this, and if you ever decide to continue this series in the future my life would be complete. :)
flipfloppandas chapter 34 . 10/13/2015
You know that feeling you get when you finish a series and then don't know what to do with your life? Yeah that's me right now. I know I'm like 5 years late to the party but I really loved this. Ive read other death note stories while reading this one and no other ones compare.
I also like that you weren't afraid to involve religion in this story. Whether one believes or not I don't think it should be ignored, at least when your dealing with a supernatural tale such as death note.
Just awesome. Loved it.
bookgirl98 chapter 34 . 12/9/2014
I absolutely love your writing. I read all three of your LxLight stories in a matter of 6 days with a super busy schedule. But it was sooo worth it. It's soo weird that you finished the series in 2010 and here I'm writing a review in 2014, you prob wont even see this. But I loved your writing style a lot. The book you said you were writing... is it out yet?
jyotimeena10 chapter 27 . 11/7/2014
this is the best ff I've ever read. period
jyotimeena10 chapter 1 . 11/6/2014
hippee...another ff...
MyTimeToShine chapter 34 . 9/13/2014
Oh my Kira. Your DN fics are my favorites in the whole fandom. I hope you write more DN fics! They're the best!
ElaMongrella chapter 21 . 9/10/2014
While I don't believe in God or the supernatural myself, I find it perfectly fine for this story, since it plays in a universe in which Shingami exist, so why not demons and gods as well? Anyone who is put off by the religious tone of the story just because they don't believe in this stuff in real life has no imagination, I think, so if anyone complains about that, I wouldn't let that bother me.
StillAChair chapter 34 . 9/10/2014
Your Death Note stories are splendid, I love 'em.
Touchoflight chapter 34 . 8/15/2014
I have read the triology and just wanna say, I love it! Your writing and discriptive skills and are brilliant and the character development makes L, Light and the others more realistic. But I have one thing that is bothering me, and that is the genres you've put up. I noticed that all three genres are romance and drama and I have to say you should've changed it. The first one, friend or foe should have been friendship and drama because there really wasn't much romance going on between L and Light. Friend or flame is ok the way it is but the last one, Jealousy should have been either drama and supernatural or romance and supernatural. But apart from all that, I loved reading all three, especially the storm. Please continue your stories because I truly think your an awesome writer, and also can you write about L and Light's wedding, I will love you forever if you do!
firerose132 chapter 34 . 9/17/2013
Aww I can't believe it's over! ! I really enjoyed that story it was my number 1 fanfic. I would love you if you decide on writing about death note again :)
michaeldew.2 chapter 9 . 8/7/2013
I was completely fooled at this chapter I though light was done for awesome job! Also love the way you made byte haha
michaeldew.2 chapter 2 . 8/7/2013
Omg I love this chapter1 I honestly can't explain my thoughts on it but I love how this is going ! Ive read the other two and I also love them! I got so lucky coming across this! I love the way you make L think spot on (:
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