Reviews for Les Mizzicals
preciousat chapter 3 . 5/6/2013
OMG so fetch especially Aaron played Gabe and Enjolras
Beautyhascome chapter 3 . 1/8/2013
This is not an actual review... Now, with Aaron Tveit being Enjolras in the film, reading that you wrote this 3 years ago, I can't. It's awesome and I just can't :)
EuphrasieTheOwl chapter 3 . 8/12/2010
I'm sad too that I don't own Les Mis or N2N...

. ..

Can you tell I'm a Gabe fangirl? Yeah...oh, wait, does this make Marius Dan?

So yeah i love this fic.
EuphrasieTheOwl chapter 2 . 8/12/2010
Still not farmiliar with SP...yet I can totally picture this (Even though Jehan hated fashion but whatevs...this still fits him...a little too well XD)
EuphrasieTheOwl chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
So, actually, I was sorta was expecting Cosette to Sally...or Azelma...(Fun Fact! Whenever I draw Azelma, she looks like if she were The Little Mermaid and Marik Isthar's child...that would be one weird crossover...but yeah, true story) ya know, not R...I still was happy to see Azelma in the fic. We need to include her in some musical stuff...

I always wanted to read Candide. I liked that Marius read his report to Cosette. XD
iLikeMuffins100 chapter 3 . 4/20/2010
ZOMG!11!1!eleven!1 NEXT TO NORMAL! (and I mean the fangirling in the most sincere way possible!) This is great!
iLikeMuffins100 chapter 1 . 10/24/2009
Grantiare as sally, *dies laughing* ZOMG that made my day I was sally in YAGMCB last at my school. And our Charlie Brown got strep troat one od the nights of our preformances, and had to be hostipalized, which is so Joly like.

Anyways I loved this! Keeping writing please.
Narcissa Montparnasse chapter 3 . 6/20/2009
oh. my. gosh.

"I'm Alive" is the same song I thought of for Enjolras the night I watched Les Miz which was on May 16. And I had no contact with this site weeks before...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Marius and Enjy are so funny here!
Narcissa Montparnasse chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
Marius as Linus reminded me of the time in the book where he got all political uppity about Napoleon. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

And i like it that Joly is like Charlie Brown because of his being an adorable hypochondriac who worries. JUST LIKE C.B.'s line in the song! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Pimpernel Princess chapter 2 . 6/6/2009
It just kept getting funnier. I love SP/Les Mis crossover. Poor Marius really missed out...
Mam'zelle Combeferre chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
You should do the Tango Maureen from Rent with Combeferre and Azelma! OMG! That would be fun! Also would you do a gift fic for me? I am a sickie fic fan and I realized there are no Combeferre sick fics so would you please write one?
Ladyoflalaland chapter 2 . 12/22/2008
LOL, I could totally imagine all the Amis singing that! And the ending, priceless, Marius had no idea what he just missed. :)

Please, please, please do another chapter!
combeferre chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
er...blimmin' awesome.
Jedithon chapter 1 . 10/23/2008
I Brake For Bishounen Boys chapter 1 . 10/21/2008
Tee-hee. I love parodies like this one, and I know have an incurable mental image in my head of Marius with a blankie, 'cause you gave him Linus' part...

Write on.
