Reviews for Ding Dong Bell
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 1 . 3/18
I think this is a really interesting take on the dean & food relationship. Really creative story, I enjoyed it.
Wynefred chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
I love a good backstory and this one is fantastic! You also captured John well, which is hard to find in fanfiction. Great job!
karonkgb chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
John is often the fall guy in the Winchester family, but his depth of love for both his sons shows up along with the trap he is in, forever being forced to make hard decisions.

Dean's terror is retold again and again, this was all a nightmare he would awake from and find reality was the hole in that well.

Sam shows the truest, deepest courage when he braves that closed bedroom door, crawls through his own hole and emerges to pull everyone out of that pit.
pipinheart chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
Loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2013
You did a good job describing Dean's PTSD reaction to the horrible experience.
Angry Princess chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
Hey, loved it. I see u love reading & writing superantural novels! Well that's great because this new site is looking for eager fanfic writers that love vampires, werewolves, supernatural & just plain old chatting in discussion. Join today :D thanks Please join & spread the word!
spnMom chapter 1 . 2/7/2009
This was a really good story. It fills in some potential background about Dean's nearly obsessive relationship with food. Thanks!
bhoney chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
This made me giggle: "John continued to beg, and Dean deflected, trying to convince his dad that the nurse was a succubus." *snort* Sounds like something Dean would do.

Oh, this was just so heartbreaking: "And being nauseous was way worse than not eating. And maybe he was hallucinating his rescue anyway...he just knew he shouldn’t have caved because getting used to not eating would hurt. Again." Oh, Dean!

Liked John's insight: "As he held his son through the aftermath of another nightmare, it hit him that Dean had never actually left that hole. He was still there, and the not eating was a survival mechanism." Really interesting treatment of the aftermath of an incident like this, totally believable and well thought out. Nicely done.

I've done a one-shot that dealt with Dean not eating, and John's response to that (though Dean was much younger in it), and it's an idea that really intrigues me, and you don't see much fic about. Like that you chose to do it here, and you did it well. I especially liked this: "he never begrudged Dean the quantity of food he managed to put away, and he never would." I also loved how you tied all of this in to that one little line in Metamorphosis.

Good job!
PADavis chapter 1 . 12/27/2008
I loved this - your description of the effects of the starvation, what had happened, and the reactions of John and Sam - brilliant. Bobby looking down the well and looking down again just wonderful. Great tag to the show.

Alerting you so I won't miss your next fic. Which I highly anticipate.

Annabell chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
I am a real big fan of your other stories. This one is as great as your others! I really enjoyed it! Please write more!
villia chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
Fantastic story. Love the way you describe best beloved Dean :)
Naed chapter 1 . 10/18/2008
Fantastic story! Lovewd the way you portrayed the fear and anxiety (bad spelling, sorry, no dictionary available :) )... Very well writen indeed. Thank you for saving Dean :)