Reviews for TGIF
cappy712 chapter 1 . 3/20/2019
Great view of the aftermath of the Story we got to see. Thank you for sharing.
Lucy chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
This is so good. Poor Sam. But yeah, the show never really addressed anything about Sam's months alone in the Mystery Spot episode. Thanks!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
I liked how Dean wasn't questioned Sam until later when he was did that, barked, and let him lead in that situation for a moment.

And he wasn't even confused.

And Sam's past loneliness, with Dean now here and taking care of him with so much love, care, and affection, was Lovably Awesome !
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Hadn't thought about how Sam would have to readjust to when Dean was back, after those 6 months after he'd died. Interesting take, that most of these hunts were "his hunts", the ones that he'd done solo, and then there was "their hunts", the ones together. I like it when you get into a story and flesh out more than was there. Good job, K Hanna.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
So sweet!
Freya922 chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
That last line was killer. Another story that heartwrenchingly fills in a MAJOR gap. All that Sam went through during those months of lonely hell (courtesy of the 'Trickster') were barely mentioned after, and the awful truth that they were potentially a prequel to the real loss coming wasn't explored either. Great job with this.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
Wow. I hadn't even thought that Sam would then relive the hunts of those six months with Dean at his side. It would cause some complications. And some crazy reactions when he realized how differently some of them turned out.
sami1010220 chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
So sad and sweet at the same job!
rizandace chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
sniff sniff! nooo. It's so depressing to think about those six months... ugh. I think the show skips over the effect that must have had on Sam, so I'm glad that your story deals with that!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
Great story! Just wish it had been longer. Loved the way you portrayed the boys as well as how you added a little more to the six months that Sam spent alone, with Ellen having been killed and everything. I would've loved to see your version of how Sam told Dean about the six months he was dead, but alas it was an awesome story!
God Bless,
azerjaban chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Awww. Seriously that's m I can say now-

sidjack chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
One of the best "Sam on his own" stories. The fact that Sam is so angry, you pull it into the story and it just vibrates with his fear/sadness/pain from missing Dean.

Dean is incredibly awesome, his understanding and support so loving. It just seems so believable, his heartfelt sadness for what Sam had to endure.

Nicely done.

Beckydaspatz chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
Damn... I just finished rewatching this episode and this is what was missing from the end of it. Thank you. This was lovely
langeek chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
All of your stories are excellent, but I especially loved the repetition of one of last few lines of this one: "God, he'd miss(ed) his brother." Seriously great storytelling. And of course the brotherly banter near the end is perfect too.
Whilom chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
** “Look, man, I know you were soloing for a long time there, and it’s hard to get out of that mindset, I get it. I got no problems with following your lead on cases you’ve already done once. But…you charging headfirst into danger every time—that’s not gonna happen, Sam. I’m not gonna let it happen.”**

I loved this little speech of Dean’s, especially the phrasing in the first sentence.

**“Feeling no pain, huh?”

“It always hurt,” Sam whispered.**

You kill me. It hurts to see Sam patched up like this emotionally—he just froze over, went numb, and the thawing process has got to hurt like nothing else (and you make it so vivid). So these moments of plain truth, distilling that pain into such simple words, is like a punch in the gut. In a good way. ;)

And the last line. I actually don’t think that any line you’ve written has had quite the same effect on me as this one. It just hurts, it draws at a well of so much emotion. Reminds me of what you wrote in “Not Sam” where Dean’s holding Sam’s body and thinking of how much he misses his brother. It’s that same, “he’s here, but not really” type of feeling that you tapped into, and for some reason it snaps at my heart like a rubber band.

I love it. Really, truly do.
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