Reviews for Battle Communication!
GreenAppleIce chapter 38 . 1/22/2014
Wow, it took me almost five years to remember to finish reading. I think I left off when Jiroh “died”? It’s been a long time, and in that time I read both the Battle Royale novel and manga and watched the movie XD But the parts of this fic that I reread were as funny as I remembered (Atobe’s bikini, the Tachibanana, Jackal with kittens and no money, Fuji, and a lot more), and the new chapters (new for me) were equally funny. So just a short comment for each chapter that I hadn’t read before…
Ch26: If I knew even half the things Kirihara was taught, I feel like I might be able to survive in the world. And yay for Parker and Carlos dying together? *snickers*
Ch27: Maybe I could use the things Kabaji was taught too, just in case. Though it’s hard to imagine anyone with a sexier voice than Suwabe Junichi ;)
Ch28: As sad as it is, Sanada has turned out pretty hilarious (Rikkai sure are a loving team…), and LOL at not choosing Oishi because Seigaku won. Best excuse ever.
Ch29: The firewood group were surprisingly efficient, but there’s absolutely no way they will win against Dan…
Ch30: Ha ha ha, it really is Dan! And a very nice job by Kirihara. Though omg I was not expecting that from Yanagisawa, da ne. For shame, for shame.
Ch31: Silly Tachibana. Though considering how fit everyone is, that’s not a bad punishment ;) Goodness gracious! Totally was not expecting the KabajixShinji, but why not? XD
Ch32: Yay, more Fuji! After all these years, he’s still my favorite character Ooh, did Dan kill off the Smart People with Glasses, and did the Underground Seven meet their end via an elevator? O.o
Ch33: Oh, thank goodness. And rather cute that Sengoku wants to hang out with Niou and Yagyuu
Ch34: “…that weird bikini-clad Hyoutei captain who was so very impolite and called him and all the others in Rikkai commoners.” Excellent description of Atobe XD Don’t blame them for being traumatized at a naked Coach Ryuuzaki, though could that somehow be Niou at the end…?
Ch35: Ha ha ha, it really is Niou. I wouldn’t mind seeing him naked ;) So heartwarming that they’re all able to regroup and plan their actual escape.
Ch36: LOL! Was not expecting Lucky to be a Chekhov’s Gun. Very very nice XD Let’s kill them all indeed, Fuji
Ch37: I do love the idea of Fuji being so awesome that he could easily cover them. And it would be very sweet if Yuuta could move back home, Wii or not. LOL poor Ryoma, still one of the youngest yet sanest of the whole lot.
Ch38: I feel kinda bad that Yukimura was the only one who actually died, and that Hiyoshi got left behind, but at least most of them got a happy ending… for a little while. The Death Note… *laughing and shaking head* Brilliant.
I don’t remember finding out what Horio, Jackal, and Aoi’s weapons were (and I don’t think Yanagisawa had one since he was the spy?), but they probably were just useless. Anyways, this was a truly great read, and I had the hardest time stifling my random fits of giggling. Don’t think I succeeded, but hopefully my coworkers didn’t notice anything XD Thank you so much for writing this. Have a great day!
Ikoryuu chapter 12 . 6/16/2013
O.o Couldn't they watch their show? The Battle Royale or whatever it's called show? Or maybe not, if it's on cable and there is none...
Ikoryuu chapter 2 . 6/16/2013
I found a loophole.
"Trying to take the collar off by violence will cause it to explode."
What if you don't use violence? You use tools or something?
Well, time to keep on reading!
Awesome me chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Please make a crossover of high school of the dead n seigaku tennis club please don't kill anyone of them! (the tennis club guys )
Guest chapter 38 . 11/26/2012
But they didn't die ! So why write them down in history?
HLITH chapter 38 . 8/26/2010
This fic is really great! The plot is really good, and even though it's Battle Royale, but it's really funny and no one dies.

Herbblood chapter 3 . 1/26/2010

But please keep on writing
kuronite chapter 38 . 12/28/2009
fascinating ending. loved it.
Solar Powered Pandas chapter 38 . 12/26/2009


Aahh...They all died in the end. (:

I love the ending! :DD

So hilarious :))
kukumalu01 chapter 38 . 12/26/2009
Can't resist reviewing the last chapter :) It's an epic story, dude! Awesome ending with the 3 dudes-with-specs still wandering around XD Haha. And the concluding explanations for all the characters was great! ... Ryoma contemplating on going back to America LOL.

This story will certainly be reread for years to come :D Thanks for writing this!
meggoneggo chapter 38 . 12/25/2009
haha 'death note' so THIS is how that show really started! inui drops the book when they reach the top of the bean stolk because he sees a shimigami and the note book falls in front of light and he finds out it works, haha

i loved your story wish there were more!
animelovermitsuki chapter 38 . 12/25/2009

nice ending

i can't imagine that yukimura died T-T

nut at least everyone's okay..

thank you for this fic!
Feyren chapter 38 . 12/25/2009
Hahahahahahaha! Oh my god, the ending was just... Hehe. I love your stories, really. Hope you come out with another one soon.

This one was amazing while it lasted, and shall be reread many times.
Astalavisbon chapter 38 . 12/25/2009
Ookay... So, After all this time the truth is Inui got the coolest weapon and none of them realize.

Well, in the end yup, they're all dead... Lol.

Btw i forgot what happened to Ryuuzaki-sensei?
SilentNahani chapter 38 . 12/25/2009
Oh yeah, they'll all live forever in history. XD

Merry Christmas!
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